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After having a full drama scene in her university, making her feel to just dig a hole and bury herself, Thakur Sahab bought her back in the office and again began his work. Aarohi was standing looking at him acting as if nothing happened.

She sighed and sat on her couch. Her exams were next week so she need to study. After this she will do her master's in Hyderabad with her brother. She had planned everything and is full ready to accomplish her dream of opening a fashion boutique.

She took her online lectures and wrote every important points. After a while, she felt really hungry but was feeling nervous to ask him for food. She thanked herself to keep her toffee with her. She ate few and then again went to study. Avinash on the other hand was looking at her and guessed that she was hungry so he messaged his secretary to bring their food in office.

The secretary entered and greeted him and Aarohi and kept the food on the table. He stood up and removed his coat and rolled his sleeves up and on the other hand Aarohi was staring at him without blinking thinking how hot he actually is.

He came and sat in front of her and politely served for both of them as they digged in the food. Aarohi was all the time thinking about the chaos he created in the university and how she will go there to give exam. She just wanted to run from this place and cancel this marriage if it was in her hand.

"Do you want to stay here or go back?" He asked after finishing his food while wiping his mouth with tissue. "Ofcourse I want to go back" she said without hesitation as he nodded and stood up. He picked his coat and wore it as she packed her all the stuffs and went with him.

He dropped her at her house and entered with her as she frowned "Aren't you going back?" As he comfortably sat on the couch "No. I'm here to babysit you" he sarcastically stated as she groaned "You can go back. I want to stay alone" she said as he took out his iPad and started working on it "I'm here to protect you. You are getting princess treatment by one and only Avinash Thakur" he smirked as she rolled her eyes.

She went towards the kitchen and poured some juice for him with cookies. She kept it in front of him and then went towards her room. Avinash was looking at her for the whole time. "This girl is crazy. I just hope she doesn't create any mess before our marriage" he mumbled to himself and started working again.

It was evening by now as she came downstairs in her tank top and shorts. She thought he had left but he was still there in the same position, working on his iPad. She yawned and suddenly her eyes went on him as he also looked at her. For a second, both of them were frozen. She immediately ran upstairs to her room and closed the door behind.

Meanwhile, heat crept upon Avinash's cheek as he just saw her almost in a tank top which were revealing her collarbones, little bit of cleavage and her long arms whereas the shorts were only thigh length. He loosened her tie up and breathed heavily.

Aarohi was feeling embarrassed to go down. She wore her pyjama beneath and jacket on top. She again went downstairs and cleared her throat "Want some tea? Or coffee?" She asked as he nodded "Coffee" he paid no attention to her. She went towards kitchen and poured tea for herself and coffee for him with some snacks.

She sat beside him and saw he was working "Do you work for 24/7?" She asked as he looked at her and nodded "Don't you get tired?", he shook his head and picked up the coffee. After a sip, he kept it back. Aarohi was irritated seeing him working as she snatched his iPad and saved the work he was doing. He frowned "What are you doing?", he asked trying to take it as she threw it on the couch way too far from his reach.

"I'm tired seeing you working. Let's watch movie" she said and opened Netflix on her telivision screen. He sighed and looked at the screen as well. She switched on a Korean drama to which he frowned and rolled his eyes. He stood up and picked up his iPad and sat a far from her.

She glared at him but he paid no attention at all. After few hours, she ordered food for both as the boy reached the door step. She opened the door and took the food. She served it and called him over the dining table for dinner.

"I've no appetite" he said and started working again. She took his iPad and switched it off "This is my house, and rules have to be mine. Now you eat dinner or else I'm not giving this iPad back" she said as he glared at her. She gulped seeing his dangerous eyes as she sensed that he was getting angry. "Fine fine" she gave his iPad back as he rolled his eyes making her annoyed by him.

She stomped her foot and went towards the dining table to eat. Later, he did joined her and they both had silent dinner. It was 9:00 and the door bell rang. The maid opened the door as her parents entered "Oh Avinash" her father said and hugged him as he maintained his straight face.

"I'll be going now" he said and picked his belongings moving out. Aarohi looked at him going out as she rolled her eyes "Annoying ass" she cursed and went to her room.

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