Chapter 2: iChat's & Staring Contests

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We went upstairs and I plopped myself on Jc's bed as Ricardo followed behind me and Jc jumped on both of us.

"Jc, your gonna kill me!" I said trying to get a breath.

"Jc get off!" Ricardo yelled.

"Yeah, you get off of me too!" I said to Ricardo.

"I can't Jc's on top of me!" He said as we both turned to a sheepishly smiling Jc.

"Jc.." We eyebrowed.

"Fine! Fine! I'm off!" He said running to his computer as Ricardo and I high fived each other pulling up a chair to Jc's big computer screen.

"Hey Conrad!" Jc said as Connor popped up.

"Hey Con da bon!" Ricardo and I said.

"Hey guys!" He replied smiling as Trevor popped up.

"Hey Trevor!" All four of us shouted then Ricky came up.

"Rickrad!!" We all said.

"Hey guys! Oh, is that Maisie?" He asked.

"Yup." Jc smiled pulling me close to him. Jc and I had a brother/sister relationship seeing we've been friends for quite the time now. Well, since I was 5 and he was 8. I rested my head on his shoulder due to the fact I was exhausted. Walmart vlogs are tiring. Then Kian and Sam popped up.

"Keen da bean!" We all said.

"And our wittle baby." Jc said in his little voice directing it to Sam as we all laughed. We talked for a while, maybe a hour or so so far, and Sam and I would always have staring contests and no one is yet to notice. Thank the YouTube lords.

I didn't really know how it was happening but we would legit just stare at each other and then laugh as if we were talking to each other, well yeah.. We kind of were.. Just ya know.. In our heads.

"I totally won that." I said in my head as Sam shook his head laughing. God, this is really cool but i'm seriously freaked out.

"What's so funny?" Trevor said to Sam as I stiffled a laugh.

"Uhm.. Just a fan tweet." He said.

"What's it say?" Connor asked.

"Guys, would you rather live naked ever since you were born never owning clothes or be a male stripper? Either way.. NUDITY IS GOOD." He said laughing as we all bursted out laughing.

"Well, if you insist." Connor teased pretending to take his sweatshirt off.

"NO STRIPPING CONNOR, NO IT'S BAD FOR YOU. YOU'LL GET PREGNANT AND DIE." I said as they all bursted out laughing.

"So.. Did you guys get the dip?" Ricky asked.

"Actually not yet.." Jc said as I looked at him confused.

"Dude, we just went to Walmart." I laughed.

"Yeah, well I was distracted by the candy, and we were vloggin!" He said as I shook my head.

"Ricardo, why didn't you get any? You were right there.." I said.

"I wasn't in a dippy mood.." He shrugged.

"A dippy mood?" I laughed before setting my head back on Jc's shoulder, soon feeling my eyelids becoming heavier and heavier.

"Hey Mais, before you go to sleep we gotta tell you somethin'.." Jc said as I looked up.

''Hmm?" I said.

"Boys.." Jc said as they all shouted in sync.

"YOU'RE GOING TO VIDCON!!" They all yelled as I suddenly felt energy come to me. I jumped and hugged Ricardo and Jc. You do not know how excited I am. Mostly because I wasn't able to go this year because I couldn't get the tickets, so I was sad that I not only didn't get to go but.. My two best friends would be gone for two weeks.

The Strange Life of An American YouTuber//Sam Pottorff (Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now