Chapter 11: First Impressions & Ex Girlfriends

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I slipped into my casual dress which had a white top and foral flow from the bust pairing it with my green denim vest and my greek sandals. I decided to curl my hair and put on just a bit of makeup. Once I was finished I walked downstairs and saw all the guys were ready. 

I locked my arm in Sam's and we walked to the car. Tonight he finally got to show me off to all of his friends and I was pretty nervous so I wanted to make myself a bit presentable. I mean I've met some of his friends like Jarrad or Correy, but not really that many I know seeing I live in Texas. I decided to sit next to Sam on the ride there and we just kept our hands held while letting them rest on my lap. 

"Sam?" I asked looking up to him.

"Yeah babe?" He asked.

"Your friends will like me right?" I asked unsure of myself. He lifted my chin up and kissed my lips.

"Mais, you're beautiful, funny, charasmatic, and VERY likeable, it's kind of hard not to like you." He smiled at me as I chuckled.

"You always make me feel better." I smiled setting my head on his shoulder. We soon arrived and piled ourselves out of the car. Everyone seemed to take off so Sam grabbed my hand and led me up to his friends. Surprisingly I haven't screwed anything up yet, so they actually like me! 

Sam went off with Jarrad to who knows where so I occupied myself and went to the drinks table where Ricky was.

"Hey Rickrad!" I smiled grabbing a drink.

"What'ssuppp Maiseerrrsss?!" He asked drunk. I just smirked walking away. Soon I felt a arm tug at me so I looked up confused.

"Mais, I gotta show you something!" Sam's drunk self smiled at me. Now come on, who can't love that smile? 

"Sam? What're you doing?" I asked laughing as he pulled me by the shore. 

"Here, sit." He instructed towards the little box that was there. I sat as he took off my sandals for me carefully setting them on the side. He grabbed my hand and helped me up as we walked towards the water. 

"Ahh! Sam it's so cold!'' I said running towards the sand but he grabbed my waist. 

"I'll keep you warm." He smiled kissing my lips. He then turned me around and grabbed my hand as his arm were still around me. "See those two stars over there?" He asked pointing our hands as I nodded in response. 

"When you leave I want you every night to go and stand near your window, look at the sky, there will be two stars twinkling brightly, you know what they are? They are my eyes always taking care of you, even though I won't be there." He said. My heart literally melted, like i'm pretty sure it melted right through me. 

"Sam.." I started turning around.


"That night at Vidcon, I heard you.." I started. "Your whole speech for me, everything you said." I smiled.

"Oh, i'm sor-" He started apologizing and blushing.

"Why? Because guess what?" I said.


"I love you too." I smiled as he mirrored me smashing our lips together. We just tumbled a bit back and forth until we felt bodies coming in the water and eventually pushing us down. I looked up confused to find the whole rest of O2L playing around in the water. Sam and I shrugged and played along splashing each other and just having a good time. 

I could see the sun starting to set in the horizon making a nice pattern on the water so I decided to call it good and dry off. I walked my wet self out of the water and grabbed the towel Sam set aside for us. I wrapped myself in it and watched the guys play around in the water together. I chuckled to myself, it felt like yesterday when I just met them, and now so much is different. 

The Strange Life of An American YouTuber//Sam Pottorff (Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now