Chapter Seven: Don't deny it

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Clover POV

After the huge fight that I and Chloe had the other time we’ve been spending more time together. Basically I split my free time between her and Harry since they were both really important to me and they were both my best friends. This week my free day was the same as Harry! Finally he has some free time, he’s schedule is just too busy and you know what? Have a famous best friend isn’t easy at all. Since I couldn’t spend the afternoon with Chloe, ‘cause she had some work to do I decide I would text Harry, and hopefully spent some time with him.

Clover: Hi! Do you have plans for this afternoon?

Harry: Hello (: Nop, I was just about to ask you the same! :b

Clover: Maybe we could hang out… What do you say?

Harry: Sure, of course! Cinema ?

Clover: Great idea! ;)

Harry: Pick you at 4pm.

Clover: K Hazza. Cya xx (:

Harry: See you love xx

It really was a great idea; going to the cinema was a great way of spending my time… Since both Chloe and I just have to leave after the lunch and since we already had decided we would lunch together today, we also took the chance to talk…

“What are you going to do after lunch?” Chloe asked me.

 “I’m going with Harry to the cinema.” To Chloe this friendly dates wasn’t anything new.

“Great” she smiled “How are things going between you guys?”

“Good! I mean we’re great friends.” I stated; it was a fact that our friendship was really strong, and it was growing even stronger.

“Friends?” Chloe started laughing really loud… What was her problem? Yes we’re just friends.

“Yes… Friends Chloe”

“You must be kidding me right?” she stop laughing “You both look like a couple, even though you both say you’re just friends… You like him, don’t you?” she asked me.

“Of course I do! He’s special to me.” I said, I was actually telling the truth.

“Special” she started laughing again “I see” and continued laughing

“Yes special” I said and then add “just like you”

“Do you really thing I’m buying that?” I just looked at her, not knowing what to say “The way you like him is special indeed, because your friendship with him he’s not a simply friendship anymore.”

“Don’t say that.” I said “He is just a really good friend to me”

“Until when are you going to deny that you really like him? I mean love him! We all can see you like him and he likes you.” Chloe said, she seemed really serious now.

“Okay you win! I really do like him!” I said, walking out the kitchen where we were lunching…

I went to my room… After all this time I finally assumed the way I feel about him, actually I assumed that to Chloe. I guess I couldn’t deny it any longer, at least at her, it was out of question tell Harry about this, even if Chloe says he feels the exactly same way about me I can’t believe it, and I’m not capable to talk to him about this, I won’t tell him how I feel… Chloe had already go and work in her own things and I had to get ready to go out with Harry, so I went to my wardrobe and choose something to wear. It was almost 4p.m, I grab my things and left mine and Chloe’s apartment, I went downstairs and Harry was already there… 


Since Chloe told me that she wouldn’t dinner at home I didn’t bother too much with the time. After the movie, Harry and I decided that we should have dinner together; it was pretty nice as every other date I have with him, we talked about everything, one of the awesome things about Harry is that I can tell him everything and he still understands me. When I finally took a look at my watch it was already 11p.m., oh well time passes fast when we’re having a good time right? I guess we were so involved in the conversation that the time flew… Since both Harry and I had work in the morning and pretty early actually, he drove me home as he usually does, except this time was different… when we were both about to say goodnight and that stuff, we kissed… I guess we don’t even know how that happened but after the kiss we both started laughing.

“Night Haz” I said while I walked upstairs…

“See you tomorrow Clover”

I went to my room, did the regular things and then I must have felt like the happiest person in the whole world… Did Harry and I just kiss? I couldn’t really believe…

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