Chapter Thirty-Four: Sorry

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Chloe POV

The first thing I thought when I woke up this morning was what Harry told me yesterday and how stupid I was for not confront Zayn with that; I pretended, again, that everything was fine between us, when it really wasn’t. Today, I had to talk with Clover about “the whole situation”. I took a shower and quickly dress up; I was really hungry since it was almost 12 pm which means: lunch time. After the lunch, I called Clover:

“Hi Clover”

“Hello… How are you?” Clover replied.

“I’m good! I need to talk with you. Can you meet me at my place?” I asked.

“Yes, I can… I’ll be there in an hour, ok?”

“Ok Clover… Bye” I said.



An hour later my doorbell rang, I went to answer and there stood Clover.

“Clover, come on in” I said, smiling.

“Thanks…”  She said.

“I need to talk with you about one thing…” I said while sitting on the couch.

“About what?” She asked curious.

“About what happened between you and Zayn” I answered calmly

“Ahm…  How do you know that?” She asked confused and you could see she was nervous.

“Harry told me…”

“Shit…” She muttered “Oh Chloe, I’m so sorry; it was a huge mistake… I was vulnerable and sad with mine and Harry situation and Zayn was there to support me and we kissed, but that’s all: a simple kiss. I only wished that Harry were in Zayn place, I missed him a lot at the time…” She said.

“What did the kiss meant for you?” I asked; that was what I needed to know that;

“Nothing…” She answered immediately;

“But Clover, why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I didn’t want to hurt you… I knew that you love Zayn and we, Zayn and I, agreedto forgetthat wholesituationbecauseit didn’tmean anything… I love Harry and Zayn loves you, Chloe…” She said, looking at me.

 “I know you love Harry, but I don’t know if Zayn loves me!” I stated

 "Don’t say that!” She said loud.“Sorry Chloe, I didn’t want make you sad… I’m stupid, I betrayed our friendship and I don’t deserve you as a friend… “- She said, looking at me “Are you mad at me?”

“I don’t know, Clover…”

“I feel the worst person in the world… I’m stupid, stupid… so stupid” She said angry.

“Calm down Clover… “

“Calm down Chloe? I’m a bad person, I betrayed you, I betrayed Harry… the most important people to me…” Clover said.

“I know that you suffered because of what happened and I hadn’t anything with Zayn…” – I said; I didn’t stay mad with her, she’s my bestfriend, and it was a mistake.

“I don’t deserve your friendship, Chloe!”

“Let’s forget this, ok?” I said.

“Sorry sweetie. It wasn’t my intention to hurt you … I love you!”- Clover said and hugs me;

“I know Clover” I said, smiling.

I knew Clover felt bad about this situation; I saw the expression on her face during our conversation. It was a mistake and everyone makes mistakes; and as I told before, it’s past and the past remains in past.

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