Chapter One: The boy from Starbucks

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Chloe POV

I woke up with a huge smile on my face, today was the day that I would pick up Clover from the airport. Finally I’d have my bestfriend with me and hopefully we’ll start searching for some jobs on Monday and start organizing our lives here.

Today is Saturday which means that if Clover doesn’t come all grumpy and with the jet lag effect we’ll probably clubbing.

I pick up my purple blackberry - or as Clover likes to call it purpleberry - to check the time, and surprise surprise, it’s already one pm and I’m late. Whilst checking the time I also noticed I had two messages but seeing I was more than late I decided to check them after doing my morning basis.

Half an hour later I was ready. I was far from being at my best but let’s admit that taking a shower, brush your teeth, dress up, do your make up and your hair in thirty minutes when you’re a girl, is a real record.

Picking up my phone I immediately checked the messages, the first one being some kind of publicity that didn’t really matter and the second one from Clover.

Clover: My plane should arrive at 5pm, will you pick me up? :)

I answered saying that I would obviously pick her up before start mentally planning my day. It was around two so I had three hours to do everything I had planned before picking up my bestfriend. First of all I had to go to the photography shop and buy new lens for my camera, after that I was sure I would need coffee so I had to stop by starbucks. Later I had to go to Kylies – my hairstylist – to finally change my hair, pick my contacts at the optician so I can replace the glasses and lastly go back home, change into something comfy and go pick Clover. Three hours to do everything, this would be a busy day and I will surely be in a hurry.


The new lens made me happy, sure they weren’t exactly cheap but I knew this would be a huge help on my future work. Once you get better equipment you take better shots, so spending money on a way to improve my skills wasn’t really a problem.

Anyways, when I finally got to the nearest starbucks the shop was surrounded by screaming girls which I must admit it was scary. If there was a thing that I hated was squealing and people who are loud without a reason. I’m one of those people who seem all quiet and shy at first, but when you know me well I turn into an annoying person who never shut up.

As I walked through the glass door from the store I only prayed I wouldn’t get mobbed by these scary and hysterical teenagers. I only wanted my coffee, I didn’t ask for a bunch of hormonal girls squealing around because... well I don’t even know why they were here.

Whilst taking my purpleberry from the pocket to check the hours once again, I collided into something or should I say someone? When I finally snap out the shock of bumping into someone, and decide to take a look at my phone I started panicking – it had coffee all over it.

I know it’s just a phone but I panic over the small things, also it wasn’t just a phone it was mine and I loved it. I couldn’t afford ruining another phone now when I all the money I had was to start my life, and pursuing my dream here in London.

“Oh boa lá se foi o telemóvel. Shit, não podias ver por onde andas Chloe, és sempre a mesma coisa!” (Translation: Oh great, there it goes the phone. Shit, you couldn’t watch where you’re going Chloe, always the same thing!) I panicked. The boy was looking at me like I was some kind of lunatic, a weird look plastered on his face as I spoke in Portuguese my official language. Seeing he was still staring at me without saying a word I decided it was for the best if I apologized for my clumsiness.

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