Chapter Twenty: Mistakes

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Clover POV

The last time are being really hard to me, even though I seemed fine on the outside, deep inside I was completely broken; today was another day of work in the magazine, I had to deliver some collections today, and since I’m super lazy and I let everything to do for the last day, I was super busy, I didn’t even had time to lunch; While everybody went to lunch I was working in silent, this way I could be more focus and work faster. Meanwhile my phone start ringing, I wouldn’t answer it but since it didn’t stop ringing I decided to see who it was; it was… Zayn?! But what could he possibly want? I decided to answer the call.

“Hi Zayn”

“Hello Clover, how are you?” he said; after Harry introduced me to the boys, me and Zayn immediately got along well and we quickly became friends…

“I’m fine, what about you?”

“I’m fine too, thanks. I needed to talk to you…” He said; I was surprised when he said that, what was the subject?

“With me? About what?” I asked; I was curious

“You want to come to my house, tonight, so we can talk? If you don’t have nothing planned of course.”

“Hum sure… I’ll be there after dinner” I replied; I didn’t have nothing to do, and this way I could forget about work and Harry and yeah…

“K Clover. See you later then.”

“See you Zayn!” I said, hanging up the call.

During a few minutes I was thinking about what Zayn could possibly want to talk, but then I returned to work; after an hour, everybody was working again, including Chloe; her being the good friend she is brought me some food because other way I wouldn’t be able to eat.

Finally by the end of the day I had the collection ready and my work done; Chloe and I went home and now we could finally rest after this long day of work… Today was my turn to make the dinner and Chloe would wash the dishes, which was great since I had to meet Zayn at his place. After the dinner I prepared my stuff for tomorrow just in case to get home late; I got ready and grabbed my purse and the car keys and went out.

“I’m going out… and I also don’t know what time I’ll get home.” I said while opening the door.

 “Going out with who?” Chloe asked; I didn’t tell her I was going to Zayns’ house so I just ignored the question and left.

I went downstairs, entered the car and drove to Zayns’ home, it was near I would take only 15 minutes to get there. When I was there, I rang the doorbell and he opened the gate so I can enter with my car…

“Clover” Zayn said while smiling I was getting out of the car!

“Hi Zayn” I answered, greeting properly.

“Let’s go inside…” He said; I had been on Zayns house once with Harry; we went inside, to the living room and sat on the couch.

“What did you want to talk with me? Did something happened?” I asked…

“hum… Are you and Harry mad with each other?” 

“Yes Zayn… we broke up.” I answered

“What? You broke up? Why?” Zayn asked me surprised.

“Harry disappointed me a lot…” I said, I knew I could trust Zayn so I talk to him; but my question is: how didn’t he already knew about it?

“But what happened? You were going so well, and you both like each other so much…”

“What happened is that your mate Harry decided to have some fun with some random girl” I said, while I was trying to hold back the tears

“What?” Zayn asked shocked…

“On Saturday I went shopping and I went by a newsstand, then I saw a magazine saying that Harry had a one night stand with some girl… I bought the magazine, and when I took a look at it I just saw tons of pictures of him with her.” I said, I couldn’t held the tears anymore, I started to cry…

“Ow Clover, don’t be like that…” Zayn said while he pulled me for a hug.

“He couldn’t do this to me, I didn’t deserve it, I liked him too much…”

“I can’t believe he did this to you…”  

I didn’t said anything to answer Zayn, I couldn’t; in this whole time I kept this to myself, I faked that I was fine and that I wouldn’t be affected by this but when Zayn touch the subject I just couldn’t held it anymore, I exploded and started crying my eyes out again; It was good to feel that I had someone by my side, supporting me and hugging me, it was a little awkward being so close to Zayn, but in that moment I was feeling attracted by him and when I looked into him… yeah we ended it up kissing…

“Ahm… this shouldn’t have happened Zayn” I said, looking at him.

“I’m so sorry Clover, this was my entire fault”

“This was both of our faults, I kissed you too… I think it’s better if I just leave” I said, while I stood up and grabbed my things…

“But it’s late and something could happen to you… stay here.”

“No, its better if I don’t, it’s better for both of us…” I said and left; that was a huge mistake but I was fragile and it simply happened…

When I returned home, Chloe was already asleep… oh god no! Chloe! How can I possibly tell her what happened? I couldn’t tell her, she wouldn’t forgive me. I know she doesn’t have anything with Zayn, but she likes him and If she knew that we kissed she would be disappointed with me, and that won’t happen; It was already late so I went to sleep.

Next day Chloe and I didn’t go together to the magazine, I fell asleep so I was late; today I wasn’t so busy as yesterday so I could go lunch at home… During the afternoon I thought about what happened tonight many times and I just didn’t feel good about it, so I took a break and called Zayn.

“Hello Zayn”

“Hi Clover”

“I want to apologize for leaving that way yesterday… and also…erm…about the kiss” I said

“Don’t worry about it”

“That wasn’t supposed to happen, but it was in the heat of the moment, I was fragile and you were with me, and we were close and it happened…”

“Yup it was exactly that…”

“Thank you for what you did for me” I said; after all he had listened to me the whole time…

“There’s no need to thank, I’m your friend and I’m going to help you every time you need”

“I just want to ask you one more thing, don’t talk about what happened with anyone…” I said, this was the most important I didn’t want anybody to know about this…

“I won’t tell; let’s just forget this…”

“Thank you once again Zayn… Well I have to go back to work…”

“Bye Clover.”

I was relieved that the things between Zayn and I were clarified; I wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t talk with him, but most important, the kiss was a mistake and even though I’m mad at Harry, I liked him a lot and it would be hard to forget him…

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