Chapter Three: A date with Harry

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Clover POV

Monday finally arrived and I couldn’t be more pleased about it. Mondays are usually awful days but today was different – I had my date with Harry which was leaving me beyond happy. Also I was going on a job hunt with Chloe and hopefully I would find something I would like to do in order to start my life here.

“Good morning!” I greeted happily when I stepped into the kitchen where Chloe was now.

“Hello Clover.” Chloe said dull of happiness “Ready to go?” 

She seemed a bit grumpy but I definitely knew why. She was never a morning person, she likes to sleep a lot and its 9a.m. so she must be supposedly ‘tired’.

I nodded my head in response to her question. “I’ll just go get my bag.”

“Fine, I’ll just wait here.” She mumbled while I went to my room to pick up my bag.


During the whole morning Chloe and I went to a lot of magazines, since the fashion ones to others specialized in one specific subject but we didn’t have much luck and by that I mean we didn’t get a job. Finding one is really hard, especially if it’s a job related to the fashion industry, or photography in Chloe’s case, the opportunities were little and to get a job you had to be the very best. Whist we were walking I decided that I should tell Chloe that I had a date with Harry. She was my bestfriend and had the right to know after all.

“I have something to tell you Chloe.” I stated smiling a little at the thought of what I had to tell. 

“So?” She immediately asked, curiosity filling her eyes. “Tell me!” She whined making me giggle.

“I kind of have a date with Harry!” I said shyly. I still didn’t fully believe that I knew Harry Styles, even though now I just consider him as Harry, my new friend.

“Oh my God, really?” She beamed at me.

“Yes!” I nodded grinning. “He sent me a text last night asking if I would like to go out and I agreed.”

“Oh Clover I’m just so happy for you, that’s so great.”

“You know this is just too surreal.” I sighed contently. “I mean until some days ago I was in Portugal wandering around and whining, and now I’m here, in my dream city – London - I know Harry Styles and I have a date with him.” I looked at Chloe, still trying to let it sink down.

“Everything happens for a reason sweetheart!” Chloe grinned. “This is a good thing, a great one actually, so enjoy please.”

“I’m scared that I’ll be just another girl to him.” I half whispered. I read magazines and blogs, and I know what they say about Harry…

“I understand that!” Chloe nodded and then continued. “Take things slow, take the control. If you see that his intentions are not the best, if you know what I mean back up and forget him sweet!”

I sighed once again trying to shake away the bad thoughts. “Yeah, you’re right! We’re just friends and we have to wait to see what happens from now on.”

“Don’t worry babe, everything will be fine!” Chloe finished as we stepped in the front of the building of “Fabulous” magazine! 

It was 11am by now and after spending all of our morning searching for jobs, after spending it wandering around London and stop by probably all the magazines we were obviously tired and already expecting another ‘no’ or a ‘we’re not hiring people’. But at least it was worth a shot, another no wouldn’t hurt.


 “Oh my God, Chloe I can’t believe it!” I squealed. I was super excited about the job. After spending hours and hours trying to find a job, it was awesome that we had been accepted somewhere.

“We made it Clover.” Chloe was jumping up and down like a little kid. “We’re working in Fabulous Magazine!” She beamed at me.

“And when I thought this day couldn’t be better!” I smiled thinking about the whole day I still had ahead of me.

“Now our lives are going to finally change babe!”

“Yup!” I said popping the “p” “Now let’s lunch to celebrate, and then I’ve to meet Harry at Starbucks at 2.”

“Awww.” Chloe sighed. “Harry, Harry.” She teased laughing slightly.

“Don’t be such a kid. Shut it” I said looking at Chloe. She looked like a kid, still laughing.


After the awesome lunch with Chloe, I was already late to meet Harry. I asked Chloe for her car keys since I was a little far from London Eye and she wouldn’t mind walking home. 

In less than fifteen minutes I was already walking through the glass doors of starbucks. I saw Harry sitting in a table down the corner, on his phone. 

“C’mon Clover, you can do it.” I murmured to myself taking a deep breath as my feet darted to Harry’s table “Hi Harry!” I smiled.

“Clover.” He said smiling. “I’m glad you came.” 

“I always attend to my commitments.” I said in a posh accent for which he laughed.

“So, are you all good? I mean are you recovered from Saturday night?” 

“Of course I am!” I laughed- “Party is a part of my schedule you know?” 

“I can see that.” He said while laughing too. “How old are you?”

“18, we’re same age.” I smiled.

“And if you don’t mind me asking, what do you do for living? Like what’s your job?”

I smile widely remembering my lovely morning. “Actually I’m now working in Fabulous Magazine!”

“Wow.” He looked surprised. “That’s awesome.”

“Yeah I guess, I always had this dream, working in the fashion industry, in a fashion magazine to be more precise.” I admitted sheepishly. 

“Oh you like fashion?” He asked.

“I love fashion!” I corrected grinning “I think people should always be on their own best.” 

“One day you might be my personal stylist.” He smiled cheekily, his dimples showing once again! Was he flirting with me? Breathe Clover, breathe. 

“That would be interesting, I guess.” I laughed nervously.

“Wouldn’t you enjoy that?” He asked looking at me.

“Oh don’t be silly, of course I would like that!” 

“Since it’s soon and you’re new here, would you like to go tour the city?” He asked, I smiled and nodded. 

“I would surely like that.” 

And with that we left starbucks and start walking the London awesome streets!

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