Chapter Six: I truly adore you

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Chloe POV

I tried to call Clover for a ton of times, I can’t even count with my fingers how many texts I sent her or how many times the annoying lady from voicemail talked to me... I won’t let the things stay like this, she’s my bestfriend since I was 5 and just because I got a little selfish and stupid and we got into a fight doesn’t mean we can’t solve the things; sure it was the first time we fought but I’m sure that we can work this out.

I’m editing photos and programming my next shoot for at least four hours now, I didn’t sleep too well to be honest and I’m up since 7a.m which it’s really really weird ‘cause I can’t wake up this early even if I want to! Anyways, since I was up, and my work was almost done I grabbed my car keys, my phone and my purse and went out, I wouldn’t stay in home forever plus I needed a coffee and fresh air! I drove to the starbucks near to London Eye, just because the waiter was really nice and she already knows what I want; I entered and almost thought I saw Harry and Clover, but yeah I was probably seeing things, I ordered my stuff and paid for it, and when I was ready to leave I saw Clover sitting on a table talking to a boy, probably Harry, and without even thinking I went straight to the table they were...

“Clover we need to talk, you know?” I said “Um... Hi Harry” I forgot completely Harry was there so it was a little awkward...

“Hi!” Harry replied.

“Yes I know that Chloe, but this is still fresh, and in case you didn’t notice I was talking to Harry!” she answered me roughly.

“I know you’re talking to Harry, but I think you can take 5 minutes and listen to what I have to say; and I’m pretty sure Harry wouldn’t mind right?!” I said looking to Harry.

“Nop, actually I have something to do with the boys and yeah... call you later Clover. Bye” He said to Clover... Great now I feel like I sent him away and probably made Clover more upset than she already is...

“Jesus Chloe, did you just sent him away indirectly? What the hell is happening with you?”

“Damn Clover, I knew you would say that... I just needed five minutes, if you answered my calls or my freaking texts I wouldn’t have to do this...” I guess I almost yelled which is not good...

“You are really funny, you tell stupid things, you act like I depend on you, you act like a freaking kid and now it’s my fault? Why don’t you admit your freaking mistakes? Is that hard?” I know all that Clover just said was true but ouch, it hurts to listen, I mean it hurts a lot... And now I know how mad she is too... Before this turned into a huge fight and took a deep breath before talking again...

“No it’s not, and if you care to listen I can explain...”

“Fine, you have 5 minutes. Start!” Clover said more calm now...

“I’m sorry ok? I really am.” I said seriously “You were right, I acted like a kid, I acted like a fucking bitch, a selfish stupid mean girl who just cares about herself. I had no rights to tell you what I told, you must hang out with Harry ‘cos you don’t depend on me and you like him, a lot! I guess I just felt lonely, I probably need to find friends too since we can’t be with each other 24/7! You have all the rights to be mad at me, but please just understand that even though I was really selfish and stupid and all of that, I was only saying that things because I truly adore you, and I really do miss our friendship and our stupid little random things together. We don’t even talk anymore, I mean we never had a fight before and after 13 freaking years this happens because of a boy?! And I don’t want you to think it’s yours or Harry fault because it’s not; actually, things change, people change and that’s good! I’m seriously sorry for acting like a freaking kid!” I finished, and grabbed my things ready to go back home, since probably Clover wouldn’t talk to me even after this… I was about to leave when she yelled…

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