Chapter Twenty-Eight: B-Day

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Chloe POV

I woke up with the sound of my phone ringing non-stop. I wasn’t a morning person, and it was like 7 freaking am, I just have to be in work at 10am so I could sleep for another two long hours… well apparently not. My phone stop ringing after a while but I decided to get up anyways. Today is my birthday, my 19 birthday and damn now I’m feeling old. Usually when I was younger I would never like my b-days, but since I turn 18 and Clover decided that we wouldn’t stay home, I started liking it a tiny bit. One thing I hate about birthdays is how everyone decides to be nice and give you gifts I hate how people spend money on me. I don’t think we need to buy material gifts to each other to demonstrate how much we like each other. I took a really long shower, and decided to straighten my hair today, after being all dressed and after eating my breakfast, I remembered that someone had call me earlier today so I went to check it. I had two missed calls from Zayn and one text from Clover.

Clover: Happy birthday! Just so you know, tonight we will party! :)

I laughed at her text; of course we would party I only turn 19 once right? I then decided to call Zayn but he didn’t answer so I just drop it. It was about 9.30am now, so I took my keys and went to the magazine. Maybe if I did my work for today quickly I could leave quickly too. I had a few photoshoots and some pictures to edit but nothing too hard to do.


I spent my whole morning editing pictures for the next edition of Fabulous, since the models were late and the shoot was delay for the noon. I was editing the last photos when Clover showed up.

“Hello there. Very busy?” she asked

“No, just finishing the editing, so I have the whole noon to the photoshoot.”

“So tonight we’ll party like always right? We need to celebrate!” Clover said and I just laughed.

“Yes we will.” I said smiling

“Harry will come too, is Zayn coming?”

“I didn’t talk to him yet, but I’ll make sure he comes too!”

“Alright then, I really have to go, I’m having a hard time with the fashion show, see you later, bye” Clover said smiling

“Bye Clooo!” I yelled;

Ever since Clover moved with Harry I think we actually are closer than ever, at first I thought we would be drifting apart but yeah she’s still my bestfriend in the whole world and that won’t ever change. Mine and Zayn relationship has been great, the media still speculates about it a lot which I don’t like at all, and the fans still hate me for god knows why, and we also didn’t assume or deny anything yet.

I was in the middle of the photoshoot when my phone start ringing again, I tried to ignore it but it didn’t stop and I could see the people were getting annoyed.

“Chloe Williams for God sake answer that thing or just turn that off!” Melanie yelled; I apologized to everyone and went to answer it… Caller ID: Zayn of course, he always chose the best time.

“Zayn, I’m working you know?! I’m in the middle of a photoshoot! Do you want me to be dismissed?” I shouted through the speaker of the phone and he just laughed

“I’m sorry baby!” He said “HAPPY B-DAY though!” He yelled.

“Thank you! Was that the reason you called me at 7am?”

“Yes, but you being the lazy person you are ignored me!” He said chuckling

“I could say the same, I tried to call and you did me the same. Look love I’ve to go!” I said quickly, because Melanie was glaring at me

“Clover called Harry about tonight! We are also having dinner with them.” He said

“Ok ok, whatever you all want. Bye!”

“Wow so nice Loe. Bye, see you.”

“Yeah, you too.” I said and with that ended the call. Melanie gave a lecture about how I couldn’t have my phone to speak to friends, once I told her it was Zayn she calmed down and told me it was ok then. Seriously?! If it was a friend was a bad thing but because it was Zayn it was ok? The privileges of being famous!

The rest of the noon went pretty fast. I drove home, Zayn told me he would pick me up at 8 and we would meet Cloo and Harry at the restaurant or something. I took a shower, and pick something to wear, and by the time I finished it was already 8pm, and Zayn was already waiting for me.

After dinner, we decided to go clubbing, I was exhausted but I couldn’t be the party popper. Clover and Harry were hyper; I don’t even know how they have so much energy. I was almost sleeping on Zayns’ shoulder, but somehow I forced myself to stay up. Once we got to the club, I could hear the music blast through the speakers making the damn floor move; Clover and Harry were nowhere to be found, maybe they were on the dancefloor, and I dragged Zayn with me to the bar. I wasn’t in the mood to dance or anything so I decided to drink a shot instead, and then another, and then another, until Zayn decided that I had too many shots and we would be going home. I didn’t even know where I had my keys, I wasn’t drunk because I was conscious, I was just peachy I guess… Zayn told Harry and Cloo that we were leaving and then drove to his house, I didn’t even dare to protest because I was too tired to do that, and since the next day I hadn’t work it wasn’t really a problem. The last thing I remember was hearing Zayn telling me goodnight before I drift into a deep sleep.

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