Chapter Twenty-Nine: Fashion Show

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Clover POV

I spent a whole month planning the fashion show. I had to look for sponsors to support the show, I had to invite the designers and chose between the collections they presented me, I looked for the perfect spot to do the show and hired the models according to the designers taste and wishes, I did almost everything to please everyone and to show I can be very professional and my work worth something, and finally the big day arrived. I confess that I barely slept the last days, I just couldn’t sleep thinking about how something could be missing, I need this fashion show to be the perfect show.

I chose the Somerset House courtyard to do the show (in case you don’t know this is where usually the London Fashion Week occurs), and the show would be at 2pm exactly. The models would be here 2 hours earlier so the designers could put the outfits on them and gave them the lasts details, and of course they needed to do the hair and makeup too. Joanne, my boss, told me she would be the presenter of the show and she would chose the photographers too, so I didn’t have the whole work, I suggested Chloe as a photographers, since she was a great one and this would be a great opportunity for her to improve her portfolio.

I arrived earlier to the place; it was about 9am when I got here so I could see if everything was on the right place and as I wanted. When it was almost 2 the people start arriving, in less than half an hour the whole audience seats were full. We had a place for the most known people, such as designers, fashion editors, models, singers, actresses and such. The show was about to start and I was proud of myself, I planned almost the entire event and it’s always good to see the reward for your work.

I had planned how to put the designers, I actually chose to put them for alphabetical order, so first I chose to put ACNE collection, then Buba London with their bags and accessories, then further in the show we would have some Charini (lingerie), some Mulberry, Moschino and Zoe Jordan would finish the show. In the dress room was a complete mess, everybody was yelling, the models were cursing because it was cold and they didn’t want to catwalk with that lack of clothes, I was almost having a heart attack from the stress. I heard the people clapping and I knew the show was about to start.

“Hi guys!” Joanne yelled to the crowd, she was wearing an awesome white gown dress from Marchesa with some black heels from Louboutin “My name’s Joanne Stuart and I’ll be your host this noon! Welcome to Fabulous first runaway show.” She said, and the crowd started cheering again. “Today you’ll be able to see tons of collections, from various British well known designers. I really hope you enjoy and most of all have some fun.” She smiled “Now to start this amazing event we’ll have our dear Calvin Harris, which will be here during the whole show as well. ENJOY!” She yelled;

My adrenaline was in her higher point, I was so stressed that I didn’t even think about how close I was to Calvin Harris, one of the most awesome dj’s in the planet, I’m really lucky to be able to see my dreams coming true. During Calvins’ performance I searched for Harry in the VIP spot; I invited him, obviously, but he wasn’t sure if he could make it. I searched for a while from the backstage until I saw him in the first row, when he saw me he flashed me a smile and I blew him a kiss before returning to work.

I went to the dressing room again, just to see everybody in a rush again, I saw Chloe near to others photographers but she didn’t even notice me because she was too focus in her camera and work. In the dressing room the models were hysterical and in a rush, changing from one outfit to another, the designers were going crazy because no one would listen to them, the makeup artists were doing multi-tasks, and some people from my department in the magazine were searching for the shoes and other stuff. Resuming this, it was insane and I could tell everyone was going crazy, even me. Once again I needed to certify that everything was ok, and see if my plans were being fulfilled. In the show we would present all type of things, since accessories and bags, to clothes directed to younger people, to high couture, to shoes and lingerie, all designed by well known designers.

The rest of the noon was a complete blur to me, I was so stressed and hopping the show would finish, unfortunately because of the tons of designers I chose the show only ended at 12am. Joanne was on stage finishing and thanking all of the people and designers while I sneak out to see her…

“Well as you can see this is the end of the first Fabulous Runaway Show. All of the collections were presented, I hope you all liked it and had some fun. I want to thank you all for being here, you are an amazing audience, and to Calvin Harris for doing the honor of being here today as well and I also want to thank the whole crew, since designers to makeup artists, to photographers and all, without all of them this wouldn’t be possible. A massive thank you to Clover Edwards who planned the whole show, you did great sweetheart” I smiled when she said that “To everyone. Hope to see you in a close future, maybe in another show. Thank you so much. Good evening” Joanne finished and everybody clapped.

After so much work and effort planning the show everything was just splendid. People were now going home; I talked to a few designers and models, and went to look for Harry. I soon found him.

“Congratulations for the amazing show babe” Harry said and gave me a quick kiss;

“Why thank you” I smiled

“Can you go home now?” He asked

“Yes I can; I just have to say Joanne and I want to greet Chloe too, but I’ll be here soon”

“Ok, I’ll wait here for you.” He said smiling.

I went straight to the backstage telling Joanne I would go home, she told me it was ok and congratulated me again for the amazing job planning the show, and I went to look for Chloe. I greeted her very quickly and went back to Harry. I hadn’t talk too much with Chloe today but I guess with the whole fashion show thing we didn’t have time to talk to each other either. I was very tired by now, so I was thankful for going home with Harry. The day was pretty awesome, everything went as planned, and definitely this show was one of the highest points in my career. I met various designers, models, fashion editors and such, people who are very nice and have a lot of experience. I learnt a lot from them, I gained experience with this and hopefully I showed a little my work in the fashion industry.

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