Chapter Thirty-Two: It's past

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Clover POV

Finally it was time to go home; today it was a busy day at work, rising in your job is the best reward you can get but on the other hand your responsibilities increase a lot and you get less time to do whatever you want to. When I was walking to the parking lot I saw Chloe, we had a small talk, exchanging a few “hello’s” and well, we talked for less than five minutes since she had things planned and was already late. I just went to my car and drove home.

When I got home, I went to the main bedroom and took my jacket off putting it on the closet and putting my purse there too, after that I went downstairs to the living room to check if Harry was already there, he told me he should come home early today because he had less work to do, so as I thought when I went to the living room he was there sitting on the couch watching TV.

“Hi” I said giving him a kiss

“Hello babe” Harry replied smiling

“Really Harry?” I said while taking a look at the TV surprised by what he was watching.

“What Clover?”

“You’re really watching a show presented by Caroline?” I asked

“Ahm… I turned the TV on and I saw it was her and I got curious… it was just that.” He said simply

“Yeah ok…” I said in a really low voice

“C’mon Clover, you don’t need to act like that!”

“Act like what?” I asked looking at him


“Oh! I’m not jealous.” I stated looking at the TV, avoiding his gaze;

“You were uncomfortable with the situation… but you know you don’t have reasons to stay like that. Caroline is past, she was a huge mistake and now I have you, and you’re so much better than her!” Harry said, coming closer to me and kissing me;

“Yeah I better be” I said, continuing the kiss.

“What about you? Did you have other relationships? You never really talked about it.”

“Nothing too serious” I stated, and when I finished the sentence I remembered the episode between Zayn and I, I mean nothing happened between us, it was just a simply kiss, a mistake, but I felt guilty, and I felt like I should tell Harry about it. I was lost in my thoughts when Harry interrupted me

“Clover” He said waving his hand in my face.

“Yeah” I answered too quickly

“What’s happening? You were so lost in your thoughts. What’s on your mind?”

“Nothing, it’s nothing.” I said starting to get a little nervous at the moment

“Did something happen? You changed your attitude in a matter of seconds…” Harry said, and I started getting even more anxious.

“I need to tell you something” I said “You’ll probably be mad at me and I understand that, I made a huge mistake and you have all the rights to be mad at me.” I said worried and looking at him with a serious look on my face. He seemed confused.

“Tell me then”

“Ahm.. Well, when we broke up, because that story, well you know…” I said and he nodded telling me to continue “After some days, Zayn called me and told me he need to talk to me, so that night I went to his house and when he asked what was going on between us I told him everything.” I said

“And? What’s the problem?” He asked slightly confused

“Let me finish.” I said “I was vulnerable and very sad with the entire situation and Zayn was there to support me, and he was by my side and…w-we…hum… kissed”

“WHAT?” Harry asked incredulous “Did I hear you right?” He asked a little bit mad

“I’m sorry Hazza, it was a mistake, a huge one. It wasn’t mean to be, it wasn’t supposed to happen. It was a simple kiss; deep inside I wish you were in Zayn place, I felt alone, I missed you…” I stated, and after that Harry features softened and he calm down but still didn’t answer me “Won’t you say anything love?” I asked

“What do you want me to say?!” He asked sounding more like a statement actually, looking me straightly in the eyes.

“I’m sorry… It wasn’t supposed to happen, never…” I said, grabbing his hand

“Tell something…” He said “What did the kiss meant for you?”

“Nothing, nothing at all”

“Hum…” He mumbled quietly, looking down frozen on his place

“Believe me Harry, please… I love you, you know that”

“Do you swear it didn’t mean anything at all to you?” Harry said now looking at me

“I swear for everything Harry; the kiss didn’t mean anything, really! I missed you and with the heat of the moment it happened simply, I know this isn’t an excuse, but I just want you to believe me when I say I love you and that my feelings are real… I understand if you stay mad at me, I made a mistake…” I said, getting up…

“Clover, wait…” He said grabbing my arm “I don’t doubt that you love me, I never did and you know how much I love you too, which is a lot… You caught me out of guard, I never thought this could happen, but we were over supposedly and you were free to do what you want too, and if it was just a kiss as you say…”

“Yes Harry, it was just a kiss, nothing else happened, beside I went home straightly after that. I was stupid; I made a mistake I shouldn’t because I just made everything worse… I’m sorry Haz, I’m sorry.” I said interrupting him

“It’s over now Clover, it’s past…” He stated smiling

“So you’re not mad at me?”


“Ow Harry, thank God” I said hugging him “You’re an amazing boy! I love you!” I said simply

On one hand I was happy because Harry wasn’t mad at me, but on the other hand I felt bad, he was a truly sweetheart with me and I did this to him… But its past, it’s over. It was a mistake, and everybody makes mistakes, we just have to learn from it, and I did.

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