Chapter Thirty-Three: Questions

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Chloe POV

Today is Saturday basically I had nothing to do so I was on my laptop on tumblr trying to make my time go faster… Zayn went out with some friends and told me he would meet me later; Clover would be probably spending her day with Harry, so it was just me and my laptop today, another lazy day for me I guess. After an hour on tumblr I got tired and closed my laptop; I decided to go grab something to eat but when I was about to leave my doorbell rang, at first I thought it was Zayn but then again it’s like 3pm it’s too soon to be him… I answered the door.

“Harry?” I asked surprised

“Whoa someone is really happy to see me!” He said sarcastically and laughing

“I’m sorry; it’s just you were the last person I was waiting to see here now.”  I said “Anyways if you’re looking for Zayn he’s not here, we went out with some friends.” I add quickly

“No, I’m not looking for Zayn. I came to talk to you actually.” He said leaving me even more surprised.

“Well I was about to go out but I guess that can wait. Come on in.” I said stepping aside so he could enter; I was curious about what Harry wanted to talk with me, we’re kind of friends but we aren’t that close, we don’t hang out usually and the only times I see him is when I’m going out with Chloe and him, or when he is with Zayn… “So Harry” I said while sitting on the couch;

“So Chloe” He mimicked me

“I’m waiting” I said “You said you came to talk to me, so start” I said

“Well yeah, I need to know how you and Zayn handled with you know the whole situation without drifting apart; I mean I love Clover and I know it was a mistake, and I’m not mad because we weren’t together but it’s still weird to think about it.” Harry stated and I looked at him without knowing what he was talking about.

“I’m sorry Harry but I don’t understand…” I said, he looked at me confused

“You know Chloe what happened between Clover and Zayn when we had that argument because of the media…” He said, I still was confused, what happened between Clover and Zayn?! “I know you and Zayn weren’t even together at the time, but you liked him so it must hurt, and I get you’re not mad at him or her because I’m not too, but it isn’t weird for you sometimes to think about that?” He added;

“Oh God Harry why are you talking in code? I do not understand anything.” I said “What the hell is “the whole situation”? And what happened between Zayn and Clover?” I asked. Harry stood there on the couch not talking and in shock.

“Hum.. I-I guess I should be going… Forget about this ok Chloe? See you tomorrow!” He said while walking at the door, leaving me speechless and thinking he went crazy.

“Come back here Harry Edward Styles right now!” I yelled causing him to stop in his tracks and look behind to where I was standing. “You are going to finish what you start understood? You can have a bad temper but I can assure you that I can be ten times worst, so sit and start explaining right now.” I shouted. He just nodded and sat again on the couch, I sat too waiting for him to start, now I was curious, now I want to know what my bestfriend and my boyfriend did, and what the whole situation is.

“So…” He started telling me the whole story of how Clover told him yesterday about the kiss between her and Zayn a few months ago when she and Harry broke up, I just stood there processing the story I just heard. The problem wasn’t the kiss because I wasn’t with Zayn. The problem was that Clover knew how much I liked him, the problem was that after some time Zayn told me he liked me, but did he? Was he telling me the truth? “I’m sorry for telling you this in a weird way but I thought you knew Chloe.” Harry said and I could see he was feeling guilty, but right now I was thankful that someone told me the truth.

“Thank you Harry!” I stated and he looked at me weirdly “Even though this was a weird way to discover, I’m glad you told me. At least someone did.” I said smiling

“Oh God Clover will kill me for telling you.”

“Don’t worry about that, she won’t do a thing, she loves you too much to kill you” I laughed “Besides I’m not mad!” I said; and it’s true, I’m not mad at Clover or at Zayn, I’m just hurt not because of the stupid kiss because that kind of things happen but because neither my bestfriend or my boyfriend had the guts to tell me what happened, and I really don’t get why. I hate lies, I hate when people lie to me just because they think I can’t handle it. That’s what hurt, that both of them, the two people I like the most thought that I couldn’t handle the true, or that I would overreact. And finding the story this way wasn’t how I would like to find but oh well there’s nothing I can do right now right?!

“You aren’t?”

“No I’m not. A little hurt, but not mad. And yes I understand why you think it’s a little weird to think about it, but you’ll eventually get over it with time Haz, after all according to Cloo it was a mistake, a huge one and everybody makes mistakes.” I said smiling again, even though inside I was feeling like I could kill someone.

“Thank you Chloe, you’re a good friend.” Harry said

“Thanks, you are too!” I said

“I have to go now, thank you again Chloe.” Harry said while walking to the door, with me trailing behind.

“Not a problem Haz, thank you! See you tomorrow or so. Bye!” I said, and he waved bye before I close the door. I went to my living room and just lay on the couch staring at the ceiling, thinking about what Harry just told me, and questions kept bothering me: Why wouldn’t they tell me? Why would Zayn kiss Clover and then tell me he liked me? Did he really like me? And I know it was a mistake for Cloo, but it was a mistake for Zayn? I roll over on the couch burying my head on the pillow and trying to stop my brain from make me think about those questions whose answer I probably didn’t want to hear. I was still with my head buried in the pillow when I heard my door open. I looked at the door just to see Zayn enter. Great, now what am I supposed to do? Confront him with the story? Ask him all the questions that are bothering in the last hours?

“Hi babe” I heard Zayn say. I just buried my head deeper on the pillow. I could hear his footsteps clearly now so I knew he was closer. “What happened love?” He asked; what happened? What happened, Zayn? What happened is that I keep thinking you’re using me for fun because you can’t have Clover, what happened is that I feel broken inside, what happened is that I feel that you don’t think I can handle the things, what happened is that I’m tired of people treating like a fucking child, what happened is that I probably could kill you right now but then again I would be even more broken. I’m confused, sad, I have mixed feelings, I don’t feel like you like, I thought to myself.

“Nothing” I lied.

“Are you sure?” He asked.

“Yes I am!” I stated, now sitting on the couch with my head in my hands; I felt the couch sink beside me and someone arms pulling me closer.

“Then why were you burying your head on the pillow and why are you looking so upset?” Zayn asked;

“It’s just a huge headache, I’m a little tired and moody today.” I lied again. Zayn just nodded and kiss my forehead. Right now I’m feeling so stupid. Stupid for acting like everything is fine when it’s not, stupid for not telling the truth, stupid for let him hold me like everything is fine, but at the same time stupid for not asking him what’s been on my mind. I had to talk with Clover, not today though, maybe tomorrow. Yup, tomorrow I’ll call her and tell her to meet me here or something, because I just can’t stand lying, I just can’t stand imagine that my entire relationship is fake, that I’m being played, that I fell for someone who never planned to catch me. Mostly I’m tired of thinking that my “perfect” relationship was never meant to be.

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