Chapter Twenty-Six: Move in with me

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Clover POV

When everything is going great in our lives and we can reach all of our goals, goals that we planned for our whole life, we feel fulfill and happy; at the moment this is how I feel, I live in my favorite city, London, with my best friend, Chloe, I work in one of the most important British magazines of the fashion industry, my work is known and I date the boy I really like, Harry; and finally Chloe and Zayn started dating, now I understand why Chloe said I looked like a fool always with a smile plastered on my face when I started dating Harry, because now I can see the same happening with her; what makes us happier is that we can have the person we wanted for so much time by our side and Chloe is living that right now since she finally has a boyfriend who happens to be THE Zayn Malik from One Direction… This whole thing feels like a dream, two regular girls from Portugal who decided to take risks and came to London, found they dream job, now they’re famous in their industry and they date two world known superstars, from the biggest British/Irish boyband. It’s surreal, but happily is the truth! 

Today was another day full of work in Fabulous; once we gain promotions in our jobs, our work increases a lot but it’s worth it in the end; in a month we’ll have an important fashion show here in London, and I’m in charge of picking some designers and some of their collections for the show; this week was practically impossible for me and Harry to be together, he’s been really busy and so do I, basically I only went home when I needed to eat or sleep since preparing a fashion show isn’t easy at all, but it’s already Friday which means that I get to rest a little bit; today I need to meet with the designers and present them my fashion show propose, the meeting was going to be by 4pm so I went lunch earlier so I could prepare myself. When I was lunching I heard my phone ringing and so I decided to grab it and look at the ID: Harry, so as obvious I accepted the call.

“Hi lovie!”

“Hello babe! How are you?” he said

“I’m fine. You?”

“I’m great… I had some time to lunch and decided to call you” Harry said sweetly as always; I was so busy with the meeting that I didn’t have time to call him.

“Oww and I’m glad you did ‘cause other way I wouldn’t have called you.”

“You wouldn’t? Why? Don’t you miss me?” He said surprised

“Oh love, it’s not that; of course I miss you but today I have a meeting with some designers and I’m very busy so I didn’t even have time to take a look at my phone.”

“You became a known fashion designer and producer, and now you don’t even remember me!” He stated jokingly.

“yeah right because that’s totally possible; first I wouldn’t forget the boy I love and second you are also recognized in the whole world so is basically impossible for me to forget you” I said

“I like the first part…” he said laughing “Tonight I’m free, what about you?”

“Huum… yeah me too… ahm, after the meeting I’m free”

“That means that we can be together, right?” he asked

“Yes, right!” I said laughing because of the way he asked me that;

“And you spend the night in my place?” he asked again

“Ahmm... I guess so”

“Like this is a big effort you need to do, right Clover?” he said, laughing again;

“You’re so cheeky Harry! And no, as a matter of fact it’s not a big effort to me.” I said laughing too.

“I know, I know… So I should have dinner with the boys because we have to discuss some things but I should be home by 9 and then we have the whole night” he said;

“ahm… ok, I meet you at your place by 9… I need to go because I’m running out of time and I didn’t even finish lunch.”

“I can’t believe Clover, are you trying to dismiss me?” he said sounding serious, but I’m pretty sure he was joking

“I need to, but I swear I make up to you tonight!” I answered smiling

“Ahm, if you say so. Good luck babe, see you tonight!”

“Thanks. See you lovie” I said

I finished the phone call and put my phone on my purse so I wouldn’t forget him and went finish my lunch; I washed the dishes, went get ready took my purse and went back to the magazine in order to organize the things before the meeting; when it was almost 4 the designers  started arriving and when all of them were there the meeting finally begun; it was almost 6pm when the meeting ended, yes it was a long meeting but as I said set a fashion show it isn’t easy at all. The meeting went pretty well, the designers approved my proposals and I knew that some people important in the fashion industry, such as famous fashion designers, models and whatever would be present in the show which is great for the magazine and for me too. Finally it was time for me to went back home, I just had work on Monday now which means I have the whole weekend free.

When I arrived home Chloe was cooking the dinner since it was time for that and I was starving, but before I went take a shower and got ready to meet Harry. I had dinner with Chloe, we talked as usually and when it was almost 9 I drove to Hazzas’ place. Now it wasn’t hard for me letting Chloe because I knew she wouldn’t be alone since she has Zayn, and as I was going to sleep in Harrys’ house maybe Zayn stood with Chloe which was great. Finally I could have some time with Harry, this week the only time we saw each other was on Monday which means we haven’t seen each other in three days which, as you can see, is a lot time.

We were in the couch pretty close, doing what every single couple does, cuddling and that kind of stuff and yeah I could stay like that for always... I guess I’ve been falling more and more for him and it was impossible not to, he was a total sweetheart and I melt completely near is sweetness. I know I may sound like a fool but love has these things... Meanwhile in the middle of all the kisses and hugs and cuddling and all of those lame things we usually do Harry decided to break the silence.


“Yes lovie?!” I said looking at him

“I’ve been thinking about something…”

“About what?”

“I want to break up with you!” He said serious

“WHAT? Why?” I said panicking completely; break up? Why?

“I’m joking!” He said laughing while pulling me into a hug.

“Stupid!” I said, smiling, but at the same time recovering from the shock;

“Oh babe you know I wouldn’t do that. I love you!” He said, smiling and kissing me

“You better do! But after all what did you want to tell me? And no jokes this time” I said, yeah because I had enough scares for today.

“I’m going straight to the point: would you like to move in with me?”

“Move in with you? As move into your house? And be with you like every day?”  I asked confused;

“Calm down love, and yes move into my house with me and be with me every day. You don’t want that?”

“It’s not that Harry, but you caught me out off guard” I said

“It would be a lot easier, we would see each other every day, but I understand if you don’t want to” He said looking at me and smiling;

“I never thought you would propose that to me…”

“I see you didn’t exactly like the idea” He said looking at the floor;

“No love. I liked the idea, actually I loved the idea and of course I want to, I want to live with you”

“Really?” He said, grinning

“Yes” I said giving him a kiss;

If everything was fine until now, we can say that with this everything will be better; moving in with Harry it was the best thing it could be happening, I never thought he would want that to happen and I feel so happy, after all this was all a proof that he loved me, even though I never thought he didn’t obviously. I would have to talk with Chloe but I’m pretty sure she won’t mind since she has Zayn now, and I would also have to pack my things in order to move them to Harrys’ house.

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