Chapter Twenty-Four: Two Sides

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Chloe POV

It’s Sunday and the boys decided to come over today, they’ll be here in half an hour according to Clover. Last week when Clover came home Zayn was still here and obviously when he left she demanded that I told her everything, I did as she said and then she asked me if we were a couple I just answered that we are less than a couple and more than regular friends. We’ve been together a couple of times this week but we didn’t talk about what happened, I know it’s stupid but yeah… Clover was cleaning her room I guess while I was sitting on the couch doing my nails. After half an hour de doorbell rang, I stood up and answered the door, probably was the boys…

“Hello Chloe!” Harry said smiling; since he and Clover got together they’re always smiling which is cute.

“Well hello guys!” I said, while stepping aside so they could come in… Harry was going to ask something but I cut him off “Yes Harry, Clover is here. She’s in her room and you can go there if you want to!” I said smiling; he just smiled and went to her room. I walked back to the couch and sat there; Zayn came and sat beside me.

“Don’t they look perfect?” I asked referring to Clover and Harry, Zayn just nodded not speaking to me, I didn’t say anything else; after five minutes I stood up and when I was about to go away he decided to say something…

“Are you going leave me here alone?”

“Are you really not speaking with me?” I asked

“I’m sorry Chloe, just please don’t leave, we need to talk.” He said; I sighed knowing very well about what he was going to talk and sat on the couch again… “We can’t pretend that what happened last week never happened.”

“I know Zayn, I wanted to talk but I just didn’t know how, so I kept my mouth shut and I also thought we would want to forget about it.” I said; he looked at me with an “are-you-serious?” look…

“Are you kidding me? You told me you liked me, I told you I liked you, we both kissed each other, and you thought I wanted to forget that I kissed the girl I like?” he said standing up from the couch, I pulled my knees to my chest and sighed… I didn’t want to discuss this right now. After a while he just sighed and sat down again.

“Clover knows.” I stated he looked at me confused “Clover knows about what happened. She asked when you left last week and I told her, then she asked me if we were a thing now…” I added

“A thing?” He asked confused again

“Yes a thing Zayn. Like a couple I guess. I said we were less than that.” I asked, he nodded and pulled me closer. We stood in silent for a few minutes because we didn’t really have anything to say so we just watched TV, until he decided to break the silent.

“We are less than a couple I know that, but if we were a couple would you go in public?” he asked looking at me;

“In public? Like what Zayn? I’m sorry I didn’t understand” I said confused...

“Would you admit what we have in front of my fans, would you admit that you were my girlfriend for the media?” he explained; I thought for a while, their fans are almost insane I mean I don’t judge them they are really supportive and all but they can be so cruel towards their girlfriends, and the media… I saw what they did to Clover and Harry and they practically had the perfect relationship… “Would you?” he asked again, I sighed before answering I’m pretty sure I’m going to regret this.

“No Zayn I wouldn’t!” I said coldly, he just stood there staring at me with eyes wide open

“What? You wouldn’t? Why?”

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