12 | Head of the family

240 23 3

Marco Revello

My eyes were closed as Rhys informed me about everything. This was a routine and most of the time nothing takes me by surprise. There is always a hunch or a feeling and meetings like this simply confirm what I have already been thinking. Yet Rhys trailed off causing me to open my eyes. Leon stood beside him despite knowing that I don't want him to be seen by my employees.

"I send the men to kill the girlfriend like you have asked but-"

I sigh loudly, stopping Rhys from saying another word. "Is it me or have there been a lot of buts lately?"

"With all respect don, you never told me about the woman you like." Rhys replied, making me sit up straight.

"I send your men to kill the girlfriend like you have asked, however she is rather a close friend with the woman you seem to like. She was there when they broke into the girlfriend's house." I lean back into my chair after Rhys finished talking. "According to Leon however, they are safe and are staying at your hotel."

I glance at Leon with wonder. Trying to figure out why he was doing more than I asked of him. To gain favors? To make me feel indebted to him? Perhaps he was trying to see me fail, because failing means he is doing something right. It gives him a reason to believe he didn't miss out on anything. I clench my jaw as I stand up from my chair.

"What game do you think you're playing?" I questioned him with raised eyebrows.

"Game? You told me to keep an eye on her." Leon replied with his hands buried deep in his pockets. The smug look on his face was still intact.

"You knew Rhys sent my men to the same location where Ezhil is staying. Yet you didn't stop him." I exclaim, trying to keep my cool.

Leon shrugged as he looked into my eyes. "I made sure she is safe. Brought her to your hotel. What's the problem?" A frown now made its way on his face. Confused, he looks between Rhys and me.

I take a deep breath. "The problem is that you didn't stop Rhys despite knowing, despite being there when they were breaking in."

He scoffs, avert his gaze and lets his eyes roam the office instead. I watch how his cocky grin got wiped off his face. Leon was now silent which was unlike him. He speaks whenever he wants and how he wants.

"Why didn't you tell Rhys about the woman that has been plaguing your mind? Why didn't you double check the location of the dead guy's girlfriend? I'm not Don, I'm not family. So to answer your question more clearly, it wasn't my call to make." Leon said before he abruptly turned around and left. Making a few of my employees that were passing by glance in my direction.

I sat down on my couch while I replayed his words inside of my head. Causing me to wonder if how I'm handling everything is the correct way. Rhys stood there watching me. His hair covering his glasses made it appear as if he wasn't looking at me but I know he was. Perhaps not with judgment yet definitely with worry.

"I should know my place, I know. However, as your assistant, can I say one thing?" I sigh at his words. Knowing what direction it's going to go considering how soft hearted he is.

"Go on."

"Wouldn't it be better for him to stand with you instead of against you?" Rhys removed his blond curly hair from his face to make direct eye contact with me.


He nods his head as he pushes his glasses back but stops in his tracks. "The car? I assume it was for..." He searches for her name.


"Well, now that can wait, right? You have more troubling issues to worry over?" His questions lingered through the air. Reminding me of the family reputation I still need to fix.


Rhys leaves me alone as my eyes are glued on the clock. Contemplating whether or not I should visit Ezhil. Perhaps Leon was right about her plaguing my mind. The more correct word to describe my feelings, would be curiosity. A sudden urge to know why she acts the way she does. A need to translate her tears.

I had no right to invade her privacy. No right to lie in  her face about my true identity but now my questions have been answered. Now I understand why she held on to me refusing to return to her boyfriend. Ezhil is now safe, her idiotic boyfriend is out of the picture. It's time I put my focus back on things that matter.

The soft knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts. I slightly tilt my head towards the door. Revealing a very happy looking Massimo. The corners of his mouth turned upwards as he sat in front of me.


I frown my eyebrows as I look at him confused. "So what?"

"The woman?" He exclaims.

I sigh.

"You changed your mind so fast?" He wondered surprised.

"Since you're here, I'm leaving."

Massiom's laughter echoes through my office."Where are you going?"

I ignore him as I grab my keys. The sound of him shouting my name quiets down, once I reach the private parking lot reserved for my brother and I. Uncertainty clouds my mind yet it didn't stop me from starting my car. It didn't stop me from driving all the way to my hotel. It didn't stop me from waiting for her to finish talking to her friend.

She has such a bright smile on her face. Eyes glistening with joy as she conversed with her friend that I tried to kill. Gave her a tight hug not wanting to let go of one another. I stepped out of the car and slowly approached her. Ezhil stopped in her tracks once she noticed me. Her eyebrows knitted together.

"Alvize?" She said taken back. "What are you doing here?"

I came to tell the truth. I came to end whatever friendship she might think we have. Go our separate way now that we still can. Yet the words get stuck on the tip of my tongue. The longer I look into her eyes the better I understand that perhaps it wasn't curiosity at all.

"Good friend of mine owns this building." I replied hoping she wouldn't ask more questions because that means more lies.

"Well...I suppose you came all this way to tell me something." Her mouth curved upwards as she patiently waited for me to speak.

Once I took her in I found myself completely lost in thought. The layers of makeup and clothing didn't go unnoticed. My hand reaches out to her before I can even stop myself. Ezhil flinches, takes a few steps back.

I drop my hand back to my side. Realization now fully hits her as she apologizes to me. I chuckle softly as I bury my hands deep inside of my pockets.

"You don't have to apologize to me, Ezhil. You did nothing wrong." I reassure her. "I came to tell you that I'll be going to Italy for a few weeks, maybe a month. I suppose I came to say goodbye." The lie flew out of my mouth so smoothly. Causing me to grow rather disappointed with myself. If my mother were alive she would be ashamed.

"Oh." Ezhil whispers rather surprised. "You're leaving so abruptly."

I nod in understanding. "I have a few things that I need to take care of."

"In that case, I'm really grateful for what you have done for me. I-I don't even know how I could ever repay you." Her big brown eyes were fixated on me.

"You don't have to. I'm just happy you're alive." I tell her, causing her to smile up to me.

"Before I go..." I search for the best way to phrase my sentence. "I need to know if you want him alive."

Ezhil eyebrows knitted together. She glanced at me with surprise written all over face. "Yes...I just don't want him anywhere near me." She finally admitted and I slowly nodded my head. Turned around and before I drove away, spear her one last glance. She stared right back at me. Offered me one of her most beautiful smiles, the kind that would make Aphrodite rage with jealousy.

As I drove away I felt regret settle down inside my heart. Questions starting with 'what if' clouded my mind. What if she was single when I met her? What if she was never friends with the dead guy's girlfriend? What if I wasn't who I was? Would I still have taken my distance as I have done today?

The answer was so evident. If I wasn't the head of the family, if being Don wasn't my position. I would have turned the car around. Found one last lie, one last excuse just to see her.

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