25 | Conflicted

165 18 1

Ezhil Sirju

I waited for him the entire night. Waited for the sound the front door makes when it gets opened. Refused to go to sleep until I heard his footsteps going up the stairs.

It troubled me, more than it should. My emotions and actions were not corresponding. One part of me wants to fall into his arms and bury my face in his chest, while the other part wants to run away. Avoid the danger and save myself from all the violence. By the time I could hear his footsteps making it up the stairs it was already morning. I could hear how he stopped in front of a room and pushed the door open, probably checking if the kids were still asleep. Now his footsteps stopped right in front of my bedroom door, causing me to shut my eyes.

Marco enters my bedroom and stops right beside my bed. I could feel his eyes scanning my face, trying to figure out if I was asleep. His hand placed on my face, tracing my lips like he had done before.

"I get it, Ezhil, I understand. Your hesitation and fear is self explanatory." He whispered, despite him being next to me I almost didn't hear him.

He sighs. "I get it, I understand." He repeated softly as sadness laced his voice. Marco stood up and my heart broke into tiny pieces. The bedroom door closed and I immediately sat up straight. Gripped my hair as my gaze was fixated on the front door. Unsure if I should go after him or stay where I was. I laid there for a few hours, doubt eating away at my heart. Eyes wide open, unable to make a decision.

Soft knocks brought me out of my thoughts. Theodore opened my bedroom door. "Breakfast is ready." He said and I nodded my head.

"I'll be right there."

He closed the door and I could hear how he made his way down the stairs. I quickly got ready and headed to the kitchen. The two boys sat at the table as Marco served them breakfast. As soon as they finished eating, they ran towards their playroom.

Marco broke the silence that surrounded us. "You're free to go."

Surprised, I look up to meet his eyes. "What? That's abrupt."

"Mr Reed will soon be looking for me. I think you're safer with your friend than with me." He admitted causing me to stare at him dumbfounded.

This would be the right time to tell him
I didn't want to be separated from him. That staying within his reach made me feel safe yet I bit my tongue instead. Holding back words I had meant to say. This decision would be better for the both of us.

"Leon will be here shortly, you should pack your things." Marco spoke, the tenderness in his voice completely gone. Perhaps our longing kiss was part of my imagination. Maybe it didn't mean as much to him as it did to me.

"Alright." I whispered as I stood up from my seat. Made my way up the stairs and looked around the bedroom that I slowly grew accustomed to. I quickly removed the clothes I had stored away in the closet. Placed it all inside my suitcase and zipped it close. Despite it being heavy I still try to carry it all the way downstairs yet Marco takes over as he notices how I'm struggling. Carries the luggage outside and places it inside the car.

"Where are you going?" Elias asked in his small voice. Eyes fixated on me just as his brother was. Curiosity swimming in both their irises.

"I-I'm going home." I whispered softly. Elias now starts pouting as he crosses his arms.

"But you just got here." He complains and the disappointment in his voice made me feel saddened.

I smile at him not wanting to lie but before I can stop myself the words make their way past my lips. "I'll visit you."

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