06 | Snores

340 33 0

Marco Revello

My mouth remained in a thin line as my eyes were glued on my computer screen. Showing footage of the secret camera I had placed in my living room. My younger brother had a full conversation with Leon. I removed the toothpick from my mouth as a sigh made its way past my lips.

Blood is thicker than water. At times we resemble people we might not have met before. Frustration slowly crept up on me, attaching itself to me like second skin. My mind overflowed with doubt yet I pushed it all to the side. They must never find out about the truth.

"I forgot to mention Arthur is staying at your apartment." Miss Singh informed me, making me scoff as I looked up to meet her eyes.

"You took your time informing me?" I ask her displeased.

Miss Singh pushed a few strands out of her face nervously. "Arthur called to let me know but it slipped my mind." She replied.

"You're done for the day."

"Wait but-" by surprise I raise my eyebrows at her. Definitely not used to having to repeat myself twice.

"Alright, have a good day sir." She closed the door behind her leaving me alone in my office.

I wait a few minutes to make sure Miss Singh has left before I grab my phone to call for my right handed man. Rhys immediately appears in my office. Bags under his eyes and his curly hair all over the place.

He takes fast strides towards me and places his tablet in front of me. Curiously, I let my eyes roam around the small screen. Not entirely sure what I'm looking at. Rhys pressed play and I just stared at a black screen for a few seconds. Despite there not being much to look at I can hear heavy breathing. Screams of terror soon filled up the room. Reminding me of a horror movie before a disaster takes place.

Rhys cleared his throat. "It has been a few hours since this video was posted in a secret group chat . I found the exact location this video was taken. The girls are indeed here as you expected it. Yet I fear they have been moved again. Leon told me to inform you that a journalist is on her way there as we speak. I also found the merchandise." He spoke as he swiped to the next picture.

"Who did it?" I questioned him with my arms crossed.

"2 men in their late twenties. What do you want me to do with them?" Rhys asked me with curiosity, swimming in his irises.

I know he didn't ask because he wasn't sure. Rhys was smarter than that, he knew actually what my answer would be.

"Kill them -" I sigh as I stand up from my chair. "and send me the location of the girls." I answered nonchalantly as I rose up from my chair.

Rhys eyebrows knitted together. "they probably already moved them." He repeated.

"That's not the reason why I'm going." I told him as I grabbed my keys from the desk and headed to my car. Raindrops fell out of the sky leaving an earthy scent. The weather was something I still had to get used to, it seemed to always rain.

Once I entered my car I drove straight to the address Rhys had sent me. The drive to the secluded area took me more than half an hour. It felt as if I drove right into an abandoned neighborhood. Trees aggressively swinging left and right, desperately trying to get my attention. Most street lights were turned off, only a few were on. Quickly parked behind another car before stepping out. Perhaps it would be wise to just walk all the way there. If there was anyone here, I shouldn't attract too much attention with my car.

The address led me to a school. Visually it looked abandoned, it didn't look like a place where kids actually spend the majority of their time in. The place was too beat down. A few windows were missing and there was a bunch of trash surrounding the school. Slowly I approached the building. Glanced around to see if there was anyone inside.

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