03 | Homemade lasagna

463 31 4

Ezhil Sirju

My friend sat in front of me with curiosity in her eyes. Probably wondering why a man that was not my boyfriend dropped me off. Or why I was soaking wet and a complete mess.

"Sorry for waking you up." I apologized.

"That's okay but what happened." She wondered.

I looked around her house avoiding her judging eyes. "I just had a disagreement with Samuel-" Before I could finish my sentence I could hear Ginevra sigh.

"What are you waiting for to break up with that bastard? What? He is not going to change. Stop being naive, Ezhil." She complained as she sat beside me.

"H-He promised..." I trailed off, realizing how stupid I sounded. "He loves me." I said more to myself than my friend.

"Well, where is he now? Has he called you?" She asked, causing me to take my phone out of my small bag. Looking at the screen made my heart sink.

No calls,no voicemails, no messages.

"Well?" My best friend questioned me further.

"It's been a long day Gigi. Can I just take a shower and head to bed?" Ginevra sighed as she gently grabbed my hand. We went upstairs to the guest bedroom.

"We have been here before. You know where I keep the towels and extra pajamas." She spoke as she hugged me. "Goodnight Ezhil, have sweet dreams." She told me, making me smile.

"You too Gigi." I watch as she closes the door behind her.

My fight with Samuel is starting to be a routine. We fight then I run off to Ginevra's house for comfort and advice. She tells me I deserve better causing me to respond with he isn't usually like that.

After my shower I wore her pyjamas. Lay in bed yet too deep in thoughts to actually doze off. I hug myself for comfort. This will be the last time he treats me that badly. Next time we meet I'm breaking it off with him. Love is not supposed to hurt. It's not supposed to make me want to hide from him.

Maybe change isn't something I can force. Perhaps he will only change when he wants to, but I can't keep waiting for him. His actions and words simply don't align.

By the time I have made up my mind it's already morning. The birds were singing quite loudly. A soft knock brought me out of my thoughts. Ginevra was an early bird so I wasn't surprised she was already up.

"Come in." I tell her which caused her to open the bedroom door with a wide smile on her face.

"Did you have a good rest?" She asked and I found myself nodding my head. Yes, I didn't sleep however it gave me the time to sort out my feelings and thoughts. That for me means a good rest.

"Sure did." I tell her as we walked out of the bedroom hand in hand.

"That's great I made you your favorite banana pancakes." She said, causing me to grin from ear to ear.

"Awh, you didn't have to." I answered.

"Oh I know." She responded amused.

We both ate in silence. A moment I found myself truly enjoying. Thankful for having a friend I could rely on. Someone that is patient with me. After we had breakfast we decided to keep ourselves busy with a nice tv show. We started a show called Gossip girls. For once my eyes weren't glued on the clock. I was able to breathe and relax instead of constantly being on the edge. Words floated out of my mouth with having to hold them back.

I scooted closer to Ginevra, offering her a smile of my own. She glanced at me suspiciously but soon paid me no mind as her eyes were glued on the tv. An amusing scene made our laughter fill up the room. The sudden sound of the doorbell however made us both grow silent. We glanced at the front door, I'm holding my breath while she stood up with a frown on her face.

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