13 | Paranoid

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Ezhil Sirju

The loud typing noises distracted me. Instead of focusing on my own story I glance around the room. The events of the past few weeks caused me to be unable to focus. This uneasy feeling settled inside of my stomach and simply doesn't want to go away, holding me hostage.

It has been quiet lately. Those men didn't come back for Ginevra. Samuel hasn't contacted me since. No message or voicemail. It's as if he never existed. Yet that didn't stop me from being terrified.

As I scroll through numerous articles regarding Mr Reed, I find myself typing another name in my search engine. Curiosity taking a hold on me as I scroll through what is written about the successful Italian brothers. Posing for pictures with different people. From politicians to celebrities and other individuals I couldn't name. Smiles graced their faces while other faces were blurred.

"Ezhil, have you made progress yet?" Brenda wonders beside me.

I shake my head in defeat. "I haven't."

"Try to write something by the end of the day. Or our supervisor will start pressing you." Brenda informed me.

A shaky breath leaves my lips as I click on the search engine again. Deleting the name I wasn't supposed to research yet I stop in my tracks. Quickly click on an Italian website. The contents of the article is written in Italian however that's not what grasped my attention. It was the picture used for the article that made me frown.

Massimo Revello, one of the successful brothers, appears to be shaking hands with Mr Reed. The picture in itself seemed to be taken unexpectedly, while they both weren't looking. Unsure I poke Brenda's side. She tilts her head slowly, yet not enough to make eye contact with me.

"Mm." She says distracted.

"I think...I found something." I said happily.

Brenda removes her eyes from her laptop screen as she looks at mine. Her eyebrows are raised in surprise. Mouth slightly open as she exchanges glances. "Is that-"

"Mr Reed and Massimo Revello." I confirm.

"Well that is indeed news." She says as she goes back to her own work.

Thankful that the website itself offers to translate the article. I take the Italian article and switch it to English. Quickly scan over the contents and find myself questioning if they are strictly business partners or good friends. Considering how it's mentioned that their father used to be close to Mr Reed sure is concerning.

I type away on my keyboard, writing an article about the suspicious relationship they both share. I remind myself to cover all the points. My fingers typed away faster than ever. Filled with ideas and motivation. Sharing the source of information for the world to see. There is more to the Italian brothers then they make us believe, and that's worth sharing.

Right when I finish writing the article I send it to my supervisor. Once I received her approval I sent it to Brenda to proofread. She makes side comments while reading, making me laugh softly.

"I'll send it back to you. You can now publish it on our page." She said and I took a deep breath.

The possibility that I'll get backlash is there. I know I might get on the radar of the man that allegedly kidnaps children to sell. The Italian brothers might not be too happy about the article I wrote. Yet as I press on publish I feel relieved instead. Holding on to information feels like keeping a secret from the public. Everyone is in their right to know the truth, even if it's just a small fraction.

Right after work I walk towards the bus stop. The same 5 minute walk I have been doing for the past 2 weeks. My head is filled with unbearable thoughts again yet I try my hardest to shake it off. Hugged myself for comfort as I quickly headed to the bus stop.

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