Chapter Twelve.

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Chapter Twelve.

''I can't believe you've dragged me all the way out here for this.'' I roll my eyes, flicking my hand in the tree's direction.

They've brought me out to the countryside, to a forest, to see a tree.

Yes, a tree.

''It's really awesome if you think about it.'' Katie muses, munching on a pop-tart.

''Are you serious?'' I raise one eyebrow at her, while putting an incredulous look on my face.

She nods fervently. ''Of course I am! Dude, I mean, look at the darn tree.''

''I am.''

''Look at it!'' she cries, energetically.

''I am!'' I yell. ''What, do you want me to poke my eye out with a twig to go even closer?''

''Yeah, that'd be funny.''

''Shut your mouth Styles.''

''Make me.''

''I'll go over there and kick you in the balls in a minute.''

''Go - ''

''Shut it, children.'' Mel's sarcastic voice comes from where the car is parked.

If looks could kill, both Harry and I would be dead right now, from the daggers and glares we're sending at each other.

''He knows how to annoy the hell out of me.'' I growl, under my breath at Sam.

Shrugging, she says, ''Well yeah, he knows everything about you. Like you do him.''

''Sage, I want you to climb the tree and hang this on it. It's a tradition we have.'' Mel tells me.

''Who's 'we'?'' I ask her, taking the object in my hands.

''Um, well, us here. Plus the other boys.''

''Oh,'' I scrunch my nose up at her, showing her my distaste for doing this with him.

I take the object, which looks a bit like a fairy and start my ascent up the tree.

''Is this supposed to be a fairy?'' I ask, reaching for a branch which is too high for me to get to.

''Yeah,'' Ella laughs. ''Our knitting skills aren't as good as our clothes making skills.''

''I noticed,'' I mumble, as I slip back to the ground. I take a few steps back, keeping my eye on Harry, and then run up to the tree and jump, leaping for a branch.

But of course, I fail.

Harry laughs at me, while the others conceal their laughter much better than him.

''You try,'' I challenge him, glaring.

Still laughing, he runs up to the tree and leaps. But he comes off worse than me and he lands on his butt.

At that, everyone bursts out laughing uncontrollably. I slap my knee as I double over, my stomach hurting thanks to all the laughing and giggling I'm doing.

Then Harry gets up and stalks off, glaring at us all.

That's not like him. Normally, he'd just get up and laugh with everyone.

Something's got up his nose.

After sobering up, I take one more shot at the tree.

I'm really competitive, so if someone challenges me to something, I really want to succeed.

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