Chapter Six.

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Chapter Six.

''We're what?!'' Sam cries.

''We're going to see One Direction this afternoon.'' I say yet again.

''Oh my god!'' she flings herself at me, rugby tackling me to the ground. I guess that's her way of hugging me.

''OW, Sam!''

She starts fan-girling. Literally. She squeals, screams, runs around my room, hugs me and screams some more in the space of two minutes.
And I just lay on the ground, just in case she tackles me again and I don't have to land on my back and bum.

''Punch me! I feel like I'm dreaming!'' she squeals.

''I wish I could,'' I mumble. ''Hey, haven't you met them before?''

''No! You were going to introduce me to them, but you broke up with Harry.'' she says it lightly, inconspicuously, but I wince.

''Oh. Help me up, it's time for lunch.''

She holds out her hand for me to grab but then freaks out and I land on the ground. Again.

I sigh and roll my eyes, climbing to my feet on my own.

''Sam. Out.'' I point to the door and she smiles sheepishly as she leaves. She's seventeen, the same age as me, but she acts like a little girl sometimes.

We go downstairs and into the kitchen, to check out what we've got for lunch.

''What's for lunch, mum?'' I ask, leaning on the marble worktop.

''Salad and pizza.'' she smiles at us both warmly. I laugh, remembering the food fight at the restaurant, where I went for some food.

''I don't want a load. I've already eaten.''

''What's so funny? And okay, go get a banana or something, if you're not that hungry.'' my mum replies. I stifle my laughter and go hunt in the fridge for a banana.

''I just remembered what happened this afternoon, with Cam and - '' then I stop and start laughing like a maniac. Sam, Shae, Camden and Mum stare at me like I've gone nuts. Hey, maybe I have.

''S-so-sorry,'' I giggle. I take a deep breath and explain to them what happened, but leaving One Direction out of it. When I finish explaining, Camden, Shae and Sam are laughing with me and Mum's got a smile playing at her lips.

''You kids.'' she shakes her head. ''Lunch's up!'' she hands out four plates of salad and pizza for everyone while I sit on the sofa, watching TV and eating a banana.
I wonder what it's going to be like this afternoon. Will I see Harry? I don't really want to...

I stare at the TV without seeing it, until One Direction come on. I start putting the banana in my mouth to take a bite, but I freeze.

I'm on the TV. I'm on the TV.
I am... on... the... TV. Oh my god.

With Cam. And One Direction.

''Sam.'' I squeak, getting her attention. She looks up from her plate and stares wide-eyed at the TV. I look at my mum. She's reading the paper, and eating with her right hand. My eyes glide to Camden. He's eating and staring at the TV, which is what I was doing two seconds ago. His eyes lock with mine and I shake my head, almost imperceptibly. He looks down at his plate and starts moving his onions and tomatoes around. At least he isn't going to tell Mum to look up.

I look over, opposite him. Shae's texting her friends and eating.

Good. Only Camden, Sam and I have seen myself in the restaurant, having a food fight with One Direction. And then they show another picture, of me smiling up at Louis, holding onto his arm, with his hat on.
Oh shit. We look like a couple.

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