Chapter Twenty-One.

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Chapter Twenty-One:

After telling Niall that Sam is fine, and explaining why she'd disappeared this morning without warning, he goes into the kitchen to make himself a mega super enormous sandwich.

After Harry and I went in the car, to find Sam, the rest took a walk around the area and then went home, deciding to wait for us there.

She has a job at a café. I have no idea why she wanted to keep that a secret.

Or maybe there's something else.

Who knows?

Only her, obviously.

She also feels different with Niall, maybe because he's The One or something. I don't know about that either.

''Will she be able to come with us on tour?'' Niall comes out of the kitchen with his mouth full of food. I shrug, unable to be sure. See, something else I don't know. ''I dunno. Maybe. Depends.''

Niall turns around and hands Lou his sandwich, saying he feels sick. Then he retreats to his room, where he stays until I have to go. It's obviously because of Sam.


Saturday comes all too soon.

I wait in my room nervously. I don't actually know why I'm nervous. I just am. Maybe because I'm going to meet Paul. Or maybe because it's something new and exciting, something I've never done before.

Either way, I'm nervous.

In the end, Sam will be coming the week after, leaving me with Cam, Katie, Ella, Mel and Lily. And the boys, of course.

I look around my room, trying to think of something I've forgotten, and I come up blank. I've got clothes, a few books, and everything I'll need to be on tour with them. They're only touring England, so it's not going to take long. A month, maybe less.

''Sage! Come down here!'' My mum's voice calls up to me, making me jump. I pick up my bag, and with one last glance around my tidy, clean room, I leave it and shut the door behind me. I go downstairs, my shoes sounding on the stairs with a light pad.

''Yeah?'' I ask, going through to the kitchen, seeing Camden, Shae and Mum all staring at me. I pause, letting their gazes lock onto me.

''A few things, before you go,'' Camden starts, letting Mum tell me the rest. ''Be good. Be very careful. I don't want you to be kicked off the tour or get a phone call saying my daughter's been in hospital for a week,'' Mum allows herself to smile at me weakly. I snort, ''Of course not Mum. I'll be good and I'll definitely be careful.''

''Just as long as you are,'' Mum gives me a look and I nod, trying to reassure her. ''Be nice. Take care of them, and Sam, when she goes. Don't get in any trouble.''

''Yes Mum, I know. I know the basics. You tell me every time I go stay at someone's house.'' I roll my eyes, getting tired rapidly.

''Speak to Tiff everyday, okay? I don't want you to lose your other friends because of some pop-stars. And text me when you can, to let me know you're okay.''

''Yeah, we'll worry about you, even if you don't believe it.'' Camden adds, smirking. I laugh, nodding. ''Yeah yeah, okay. I'll miss you guys too. And I will Mum, chill.''

Mum, Camden and Shae all come towards me and embrace me in a triple bear hug, squeezing the life out of me. Shae still seems a bit miffed because she can't come with me.

''Don't be too mean to Harry,'' she whispers in my ear, as I pull back. I give a questioning look, wondering where the hell that came from. She told me before to keep clear of him and ignore him. Shae just shakes her head, with a small smile, as if she's keeping a secret from me.

The doorbell rings, and we all go to the door, Camden taking my bigger bags and helping Lou put them in the car. We hug again, and then I turn and follow Lou to the car, which we drive back to his house and pack the tour bus with our stuff.

This will be fun, I'm sure.

I stand on the stairs, watching them take their stuff down to the ginormous black auto-mobile. I glance at Harry, who's standing at the bottom of the stairs, laughing with Liam about something.

Or maybe not.

We'll have to see.

One thing's for sure; I have to get a job of some sort.


Next chapter, whoo!

I don't know what to say right now.

It's short, I know. I'm sorry. It's a filler. Kinda.

What do you think they should do to get some entertainment? Any suggestions? :)

I have most of this story planned out, yayay. I'm excited.

Y'all should be too. (; I'm joking.

I've realised twenty-one chapters into the story (very late, I know) that I haven't thanked the person who made the cover. Or dedicated a chapter to her. I'm a bad person.

Or maybe I have, but I just can't remember.

Whatever, thank you Moni, for making the awesome beautiful cover for me. <3

Please vote and comment, it makes my day.


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