Chapter Thirty-Two.

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Chapter Thirty-Two.

I spend a week or more with Louis, going shopping with him and his sisters – who seem to like me, which is a plus – going to dinner with his parents, and Louis of course and going to theme parks and just staying in cooking and baking and watching films.

It's pretty nice, and very relaxing.

There's only one thing I can't get out of my mind though, try as I might.

And that's Harry.

I actually think I miss him.

After all he's done and all that has happened between us.

As I watch Lou playing football with his friends, I dwell on it.

Harry treated me badly, yes, acting as if I were a dare, or just a one night stand. But we were together quite a long time.

And no-one would be able to keep that up for a long time, not even the best actor in the world.

My mum did always use to tell me I was stubborn.

I was too stubborn to realise that he did actually love me. Or at least, like me a lot back then.

We were young, we got drunk, we made mistakes.

And that's what Harry did.

Everyone makes mistakes. But everyone deserves a second chance as well though.

Needless to say, I got hurt by it. But so did he, when I left him.

I think we've both had pay-back from it.

I sigh, feeling a relief wash over me suddenly, thankful I'm ready to think this over.

I wasn't ready before because I tried to convince myself he hadn't loved me and that destroyed me, making me feel worthless. So in part, it's my fault too.

I wasn't ready because I also still loved him. I didn't want to think about it because it hurt.

But yes, I still love him.

Yes, I do.

I don't think I ever stopped.


When they end the game, I run and leap at Louis, throwing my arms around his neck happily.

''Whoa there!'' he cries, chuckling at my enthusiasm. ''What's got to you?''

''Nothing, I just realised something.'' I shrug, as he waves his friends off. ''I'm happy, Louis.'' I beam at him and he can't help himself from smiling back.

''Happy because you've realised something or you realised you're happy?'' Louis asks as he pulls on a beanie and gloves, and I hand him his jacket. It's not very warm outside.

I roll my eyes grinning and punch his arm.

''First one I guess.''

''So, what did you realise?''

I open my mouth to speak but he pulls his phone out and points it in my face. ''What are you doing?''

''Recording you because you seem so happy it'd be a crime not to record it.'' Lou smirks, lightly laughing at my face.

''Fine. Well,'' I smile at him, ignoring the phone. I just hope I can make him delete it later. ''I realised just ten minutes ago, that I love him. I'm in love with him!'' I cry, opening my arms up and twirling around like a nutter. I see Louis' smile widens and he laughs as I continue yelling. ''I love Harry Styles. I'm in love with Harry Styles! I never stopped loving him Louis!''

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