Chapter Fourteen.

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Chapter Fourteen.

If looks could kill, I'd be dead right now.

Ten times over.

Wait, not ten.

A hundred.

Or even a thousand.

But then again, Harry's expression is priceless.

I think it's worth it.

''You?'' Harry's eyes are wide, staring at me. The cream and stuff on his face make him look more comical than serious. I nod, trying to hide my giggles. ''Sage!'' he gasps, unable to take it in.

Harry's face is dripping with cream, his hair is all matted and drenched in the stuff and his mouth is open, making an 'O' shape. His emerald green eyes sparkle with annoyance and surprise, glaring and staring at me.

''Well that was an awesome prank-'' Liam says, smiling but then Harry cuts him off by yelling at me. ''Sage! Why?''

I take the video camera and hide it behind my back as I swiftly make my way towards the kitchen, where I can easily escape.

''Run Sage, run!'' Louis laughs, as I hop over some mess in the hallway and run towards the front door. Harry's yells and everyone else's laughter echoes in my ears as I leap down the stairs and onto the path, only turning back to check if he's following me.

I laugh to myself, shivering in the cold and biting wind.

''She made me freaking shit myself!'' I hear Harry groan, from his bedroom.

''It was a well planned out prank Harry, you must admit.'' Louis laughs, thumping something. Maybe Harry's shoulder.

Or maybe a pillow.

I look up to his window to see Niall pull off the drawing and wink at me before shutting the window. Thankfully, I can still hear their conversation.

''I would've preferred it if she had hid my favourite teddy bear or something.'' Harry groans dramatically.

Wait, he has a favourite teddy bear?

''And which one is that, Harry?''

''None,'' Harry hurries to answer. ''I don't have one. It was just an example.''

Louis mutters something and then my gaze swipes to the front door when Liam steps out. ''Come inside, he won't do anything.''

''I was thinking of heading home, actually.'' I reply, rubbing my arms up and down to get some warmth into them.

Liam shakes his head at me, ''It's too late. And anyway, Sam already told your mum you're both staying.''

Rolling my eyes, I take a few steps forward. ''But where will I sleep?''

''On the sofa. Or with Cam,'' Liam pauses and then grins. ''Or with Harry.''

''Oh shut up, he'd probably murder me in my sleep.''

Liam laughs really loudly and then shuts the door behind me, as I step in. ''I doubt it. He's not that mean.''

''I never said he was,'' I shrug, smiling slightly.

Liam and I join everyone in the living room, except Louis and Harry, who are still in Harry's room, from the sound of things.

''Nice one,'' Ella high-five's me and Mel nods, chuckling.

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