Chapter Fifteen.

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Chapter Fifteen.

I scream, yanking at my hair.

I scream some more, wiping the mirror with the towel, wishing the vision in front of me would go.

I scream out profanities when the boys knock on the bathroom door.

I scream even louder when the lock gives way – accidentally, obviously – and Zayn tumbles in, making me pull my towel even tighter around my body.

Then I start shouting.

Zayn's eyes are wide as he takes me in, trying not to say or do anything that'll make me even angrier. I grab the bottle of conditioner in horror, stamping my bare feet on the ground.

Oh Harry fucking Styles is in for it now.

I shove past Zayn and the others in the hallway to go into the living room, where I see Harry standing in the middle, a satisfied grin on his face.

I throw the bottle at him with all my strength, watching disappointed when he dodges it and it crashes through the photos on a shelf.

''You arsehole!'' I storm up to him, my towel slipping slightly.

''Hey, you did it to me,'' he holds his hands up in protest, looking down at me with a smirk. ''Fair's fair, right?''

''Wrong! The thing I did to you was revenge for you tripping me up and it barely lasted more than thirty minutes!'' I snap, angry to the point of boiling over. Then I tell him, through gritted teeth, ''My fucking hair is green.'' I point up to it, pulling a strand of it out in front of me. ''That is not fair. This is more permanent than shitting your pants.''

Harry's silent, his grin loosening a tad. The last two sentences I say as if there were full stops behind each word, which shows how mad I am at him.

''Now we're even, no more need for- ''

''We are not even. You tripped me and dyed my freaking hair green, all I did was make your room seem like it was haunted.''

''I don't know which is worse.'' Harry folds his arms across his chest, arrogantly. Each move, each sentence he says, makes me want to punch him in the face more and more.

''Well I do. You make it all worse than it has to be, did you know that?'' I take a few steps toward him, as if his arrogance is pulling me in his direction.

''Well you should know that I only make it worse because of you.'' Harry takes my arms between his hands before I can punch or slap him, glaring at me, his composure and carefree mood gone. I sense the presence of the others behind us, watching it all unfold, tense.

''Should I feel honoured or...?'' I try to pull my arms out of his vice-like grip, but I only succeed in making my towel fall down slowly. I suddenly need to make a grab for it, before it falls to the ground, but I can't.

''Careful babe, don't want anything to show now, do we?'' Harry's soft voice, spoken in a whisper, close to my face makes my jaw clench. I don't want this. At all. I don't want him or any of this to be happening. He lets go of my hands and I quickly pull the towel up, thankful that nothing did actually show. I give him a departing glare before leaving the room to dry myself off and get presentable.

How I hate him.


''I'm not going on tour with you guys like this.'' I tell them firmly, shaking my head. I run my hands through my loose green hair in distaste. It's not one of those greens that you can just cover up by putting your hair into a ponytail or putting a hat on, oh no. It's one of those that stands out from the crowd. The one that screams ''I'm here! Look at me!''

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