Chapter Eighteen.

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Chapter Eighteen.

''Will I have to take anything?'' I ask, as Liam talks on the phone to Paul, Zayn cooks something in the kitchen and Louis blares out music from his CD player in his room, which doesn't help Liam at all.

Mel, Lily, Katie, Cam and Ella look at each other before shrugging.

''Hmph, a lot of help you guys are.'' I mutter, before stalking off to the kitchen, where I smell something very nice cooking.

''What are you cooking, Zayn?'' I pull open the fridge, taking a Coke from the door and offering one to Zayn. He shakes his head and answers, ''Spaghetti.''

''Mmm,'' I hum appreciatively. ''With Bologna sauce stuff?

''Yep. Do you like that?''

''Of course. I love my food.'' I grin, pulling myself up to sit on the table, in the middle of the kitchen. I look at the mess, my heart sinking at the thought of clearing it all up. Dishes from breakfast just cast on the side, a milk puddle beside them, knives and forks – no spoons, funnily enough – scattered all over the place, mess everywhere. ''Jesus, don't you guys know how to keep something clean?''

''Like Niall and of course, what do you mean?'' Zayn glances up from the saucepan and raises his eyebrow at me.

I gesture to the kitchen, waving my hands about in description. ''Look! There's a puddle of milk, cutlery in sinks, on cupboards, on the floor... See?''

''Ah yes,'' Zayn nods, as if he's a professional cleaner. I snort at his expression. Deep frown, serious eyes, mouth set. ''Can you clean it?''

''What? Me?'' I cry, astonished. ''I didn't make any of this mess, and you expect me to clean it up?'' I gape at him, wondering if he's serious or not. Yes, he's serious.

Zayn shrugs, nodding. ''Get one of the girls to help you.''

I narrow my eyes at him, hating him for a second before rolling my eyes. ''Katie! Get your hopping bum in here!'' I yell, smiling angelically at Zayn. Katie hobbles in, glaring at me. ''My butt does not hop.''

''Yes it does. It hops when you hop.'' I say, handing her a cloth and pointing at the milk puddle. She doesn't seem to know what she's doing as, still glaring at me, she starts wiping it down.

''But it doesn't hop on its own.''

''No, but you do.'' I try to confuse her, but she sees through it.

Katie chews on her chewing gum, thinking, then she blows a bubble, giggling when the pop it makes when it gets too big makes Zayn jump out of his skin. ''What did you bring me in here for?''

''To help me clear up.''

''Oh. Why do I have to clear up?'' she stands, with her hand on her hip, frowning at me.

''Because I asked you to.''

Katie sighs, before throwing the cloth into the sink and gathering the dishes up. I run a sink full of hot water and start washing up, getting worried when she brings me more and more dishes to clean until she sighs, relieved, and says that's all of them. In thirty minutes, we wash and dry the dishes, the cutlery and pans and clean the sides and cupboards, put clean things that haven't been used away, put used things in the bin and in the end, it's all clean and tidy.

''Food is ready,'' Zayn tells us as we collapse into chairs. We glare at him, thinking that we have to get back up now.

''Bring my food down here please, Zayn.'' Katie smiles at him, and he places a bowl of hot pasta and sauce down in front of her, doing the same for me when I give him a look. We sit in silence, enjoying our food and then, five minutes later, Louis and Niall burst in, singing a song between them both, empty bowls in their hands. Placing their bowls and cutlery in the sink, Katie and I both growl, ''You're washing that lot up.''

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