Chapter Sixteen.

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Chapter Sixteen.

''Sage, what the actual hell?'' my brother's voice sounds through the phone and into my ear, making me wince. He's using my mum's phone, then.
I take a deep breath, ready to answer and explain, but then I back down and in a rush, I say, ''I'll explain later,'' and I hang up on him. I throw my phone down as if it were on fire, grimacing at my reflection in the opposite window.

''I'm a mess, a horrible, ugly, messed up mess.'' I groan, letting my head fall into my hands and my head onto the table.

There's silence as I start heaving sighs, annoyed with myself and Harry.


''Leave me alone, please, I just want a minute to myself.'' I shove my chair back and stalk off, towards the front door, which I yank open and then slam shut, making it sound like a thunder clap in the middle of a dead silence.

I stamp my feet down on the ground, taking all of my annoyance out on the pavement instead of out on the boys or someone else.

Why does he have to mess it all up for me? I mean, seriously, in the past he's messed up loads of things for me.

I'm suddenly cut off from my train of thought when I sense someone behind me.

I'm half way down the road when I hear the footsteps coming towards me, at a quick pace.

Please don't be Harry, please don't be Harry.

''Sage, c'mon, at least talk.'' Liam's voice says softly, as he links his arm with mine.

There's no reason for it to be Harry, so why did I wish it wasn't?

It's not like he cares enough to come after me when we're fighting each other.

I glance up at Liam's face, his short hair, his dark brown eyes, looking at me with warmth.

The girl to get him will be extremely lucky. He's nice, sweet, caring and just so gentle he couldn't hurt a fly even if he wanted to. That may be an exaggeration, but you get my point.

''It's hard Liam,'' I sigh, as his warmth makes me shiver against the cold morning.

''Do you want my coat?'' he offers, about to shrug out of it for me.

''No!'' I snap, sounding rude. I hurriedly stop him from taking it off, yanking it back over his shoulders for him. ''Sorry,''

''It's okay, Sage. I understand.''

We carry on walking in silence, watching people walk past us and give me weird glances. I'm about to snap back at someone with a ''Fuck off'' or a ''Do you want a picture? It lasts longer'' when Liam brings my attention to him.

''I know what your problem is,'' Liam says, tucking his hands into the pockets of his coat.

''I have many,'' I comment, but then I glare up at him. ''Hey! I do not have a problem!''

Liam gives me a quick side glance before grinning, ''Well I'll rephrase it then. Your... fear.''

''Um fine I can deal with that. What is it?''

''To be blunt, you have three or four that I've noticed. Shall I name them?''

I nod, steeling myself for some harsh slaps in the face.

''One, you don't want to rely on people as much as you used to. As you can do. Because you relied on Harry for everything, you'd put your life in his hands... but then he messed it up.''

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