Chapter 6

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I had to stop thinking about Sparrow, it wasn't good for me. Neither was thinking about having to murder people but nonetheless.

I climbed the dewy steps of the city hall, my tuxedo catching the light of the early dusk stars. A line of people were queuing behind a table, their ball gowns flapping in the wind. The table held a list and behind the list were two men checking off names on the list. I wasn't a chump, I wasn't lining up for anybody. I strode past the multi-coloured flock and showed my presidential pass to one of the men. He nodded and I proceeded into the building without a second wasted.

Daddy had given me the pass after our talk, only him, the president, the president's personal assistant and bodyguard had ones like it. We were the important people. We were the stars of the event.

As I strode inside my vision was blurred with decadence but I wasn't bothered. I stood on the balcony, looking below at the marble floor and the mass of people dancing and chatting amongst themselves. I could see Daddy, he was with the President as always. I put on my mask and climbed down the spiralling staircase, my hand brushing against the golden railing. The chandelier hung above my head as I approached the duo with a smile.

The bodyguard stiffened as I stood before them but Daddy brushed them off recognising me even with the porcelain wrapped around my face.

"Evening" I bobbed my head.

They weren't masked. Who would mask the President anyway? Well if Daddy's suspicions were correct One Direction did. They wanted to mask him in a filthy black bag and tie his hands behind his back before whispering good bye.

"This must be your nephew" The President grinned and held his hand out.

I shook it, it was smooth and soft. I always thought it'd be firm and rough but then again he wasn't a handy worker. He sat at a desk or stood behind a lectern to give heroic speeches. He wasn't heroic. He was basic. A basic and generic old, white, rich male. He was sleazy, he accepted our bribes. He worked with us, the mafia. If anybody knew his reputation would be ruined. Here we have me talking down on my own work field and career. I almost sniggered.

"It's good to meet you, sir" I lied and pulled my hand away.

This meeting was long overdue but Daddy didn't want many people associating with his biggest client, not even his 'nephew'.

He nodded and so did I before parting ways. Daddy wouldn't want me lingering, too suspicious. So I'd watch from the shadows.

Funny that, my whole life I was in the shadows but Sparrow brought light to the darkness. Unfortunately his flame faltered and he slunk back to shadows himself. Out of sight, out of mind. Bullshit.


It wasn't something I liked talking about and I still refuse to. I'm not referring to Sparrow leaving but rather the reason he left. Let's just say three months of my life were dedicated overseas on irregular orders and the missions I carried out weren't exactly moral. I don't see the problem with the work Daddy sent me to do, at least I wasn't murdering anybody. I still had that close to my chest, something Sparrow lost long ago.

He knew exactly what my orders were but he never mentioned having a problem with it. He continued loving me until the morning of my departure to Thailand.

The night before was bliss. My fleshy, tanned body slotted into his muscular temple of a body so sweetly. It was his way of telling me he'd miss me. Although no words were shared, not even whispered, I knew. The minute I walked through his door with a saddened smile flickering across my face and his hands found my hips, I knew.

The only thing I didn't know was that the powerful, loving sex we spent all night creating wasn't just for the three month goodbye but for a lifetime goodbye. I should've guessed it. There were so many hints. The biggest being I wasn't left with a trail of purple love bites across my chest and my neck like he always decorated me with after engaging in the activity. It was his way of branding me, of claiming me as his own but I guess he didn't want me anymore.

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