Chapter 43

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Death. Noun: The end of life for a person or organism.
Verb: to cease existence, to die.

Grief. Noun: intense sorrow especially cause by someone's death.
Verb: to grieve, to feel intense sorrow.

I had dreams of death and grief.

"Why have you gathered us here, Louis?" Nicholas asked.

I was pacing. I was anxious.

One Direction sat at the infamous rumpus room table in which we discussed all important objectives and information. My palms were sweaty and I was barely listening to anyone, anything but my own raspy breath.

"We've been sitting here for ten minutes, dude" Tara complained as Maria massaged her shoulders.

"Lou" Harry muttered as he sat at the head of the table.

His voice stopped me in my tracks. I felt my heart drop. I had to speak.

"The President... He knows..." I choked. 


I turned to face them, gulping hard.

"The Prime Minister of Britain and The President of the United States sat together in the White-House for a meeting two weeks ago. I was sent out of the room but luckily I found a video, the conversation had been filmed" I elaborated. "They were talking about One Direction... It wasn't the President's intent but the Prime Minister kept pushing to talk about it and so they did. The President said that we weren't an issue. He said he knew about Harry and that he wasn't a threat. He knows there's going to be a third Game, Christ we could all be in some serious trouble but Harry... Oh, I just, I'm so sorry. I can't believe this is happening. Everything is ruined and I don't know how he knows-"

"Louis" Harry shook his head, "Calm down"

"I can't calm down! Your life could be on the line. All our lives could be..."

"Louis Tomlinson, stop scaring everyone and shut the hell up" Harry hissed.

The life had been knocked out of me again, it appeared to be a reoccurring theme whenever Harry was involved. I dropped my hands to my side, my mouth slightly gaping. How could I have enraged him so much?

"Harry...?" Liam glared at the man of the hour.

Everybody seemed to be in shock except me. I wasn't just in shock, I was made of it.

"Harry, I don't mean to scare anyone... I'm just telling them what I know. I want everyone to be prepared not scared. It is very likely something will go wrong during the kidnapping and so we need to be ready to-"

"Nothing will go wrong, Louis and if it does we're already prepared. We're not fucking amateurs, we've been doing this for a long time. We've been prepping for this specific Game since the very beginning of One Direction. So with or without your false claims, we're ready for whatever outcome"

"Harry Edward Styles" I snapped, the shock passing and outrage settling. "These claims are not false"

"Then where's your proof?"

"I'll show you the proof tomorrow at work. I'll take you to that shitty computer and show you the video. Fuck you for even doubting this when you showed me how to access it"

"I showed you so you'd stop freaking out about not being in the room, not so you can take the President's words out of context. You're so gullible, Louis, you'll believe anything. He could've just been saying that he knew me to get the Prime Minister off his back" Harry roared.

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