Chapter 14

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What a world they had made. Although I could barely participate under restrictions from Harry, I appreciated the view.

Fetch had taken to befriending me and keeping my wellbeing heightened for the first week. The 'rest week' they called it. Apparently all members had a rest week in their initiation. All I had to do was feel at home and all One Direction had to do was help me feel that way.

Fetch was really the only one making the transition easy. They gave me books to read and watched movies with me in the rumpus room. They looked after my wound until it fully healed. They'd cook for me if they could but Nicholas was in charge of that. I was surprised how well a doctor could make roast vegetables.

Dinner was an interesting occasion. Every night we were made to sit in the dining room opposite the kitchen on a long mahogany table with intricate work in the matching chairs. Harry sat at the head of the table, the twins sat together, the couple sat together, Liam and Niall sat together and I would sit with Nicholas after he had served up our meal. Everybody seemed to enjoying pairing off and I was always left with Nick and Harry would eye us off from the other end but pretend that we didn't know he was watching.

Nicholas and I were quite similar. He washed me last and it was an interesting experience. He loved talking about his Rose and I loved listening to him. It reminded me of Sparrow, everything always reminded me of Sparrow. He asked if I had been in love before, it appeared to be a popular topic in that bathroom. Before I could answer Harry burst in, he was in an absolute rage and he needed Nicholas' help. I almost got up but he demanded I stayed where I was.

That was Saturday, it was now Monday. I still was left in the dark about what that scenario was about.

I sat in my dimly lit room on my mattress, leant up against the log walls. Fetch has given me a journal as a present for initiation. They said that when their sister and them-self had finished rest week they presented each other with gifts. They said it was small but that I should be thankful, that sometimes your thoughts can get lost in this movement and that writing them down could help keep track of them. I was thankful but staring at an empty page at five in the morning made me feel nervous.

I wanted to write down how it was getting increasingly harder to sleep through these lonely nights with no clue as to what would happen next. I wanted to write down how I felt about Harry, his eyes or his orders. I wanted to write about how Tara and Liam hadn't spoken to me at all. I wanted to write down the nightmares I had about Daddy and his family who repeatedly yell at me for abandoning them. I wanted to write about my biological family, my mother and my sisters, who I had left in the wreckage and I had no hope of seeing again. I just wanted to write but my hand kept freezing up.

Suddenly my door slammed open and I dropped my pen in alarm. Liam had stormed in wearing a camo-vest and steel capped boots and a backpack secured his shoulders. He was holding his gun as well.

"Wake up, Tommo" He demanded.

He ignored my already awakened self as he crossed the room. He yanked open the curtains, letting rays of natural light leak into the room. I watched as he looked out the window as if he was in a hurry. He grabbed onto one of the straps of his backpack and turned to me. He was surprised to see me awake and propped against the wall, staring at him.

"Good, you're up. Now get dressed"

"Why?" I questioned.

He scowled at me and I scowled right back. The searing hatred becoming obvious between us.

"Because your honeymoon period with Harry is over and you've been assigned to me"

"I haven't even been with Harry, I've been with Fetch all week" I hissed.

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