Chapter 11

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We exited the confined cabin room after I had gotten dressed with our hands still connected like sleeping otters in a stream not wanting to stray too far from each-other.

"Let me introduce you to the team" He smiled, gently squeezing my hand with eagerness.

We walked down the dimly lit hall on creaky floorboards. My heart was racing, what had I signed up for?

"We like to credit ourselves on diversity" He said almost slyly and I almost cringed.

We turned a corner into an office to find the Irish waiter, Niall, with what looked like reading glasses on. He was pouring over documents, probably racking his brain as the desk lamp illuminated as bright as the sun. He seemed jittery, not even noticing our entrance into his study.

"Niall Horan, twenty two as of September last year. One of the youngest but best psychologists America has seen. Originated from Ireland but has since studied psychology here in Washington and is still attending his college classes even now, even after joining One Direction in twenty ten. Niall, I believe you and Louis have met" The curly haired one announced.

Niall jumped in his seat and tore his body away from his work at his sudden backstory. He looked at us, spinning his chair around and leaning back. He sighed, taking off his glasses and giving a half-hearted smile.

"I don't think I made a very good impression" Niall sheepishly chuckled.

He got out of his seat and held out his hand. I hesitated before shaking it and he nodded with gratitude for what he assumed was my forgiveness.

"You can understand that I feel terrible about the whole 'kill him for his crimes' thing. I'm not the best under pressure or with a gun in my hand. I'm more of a talker, clearly" He insisted, gesturing to his scribblings, "He says you're important though, so I'm going to treat ya like you're important from now on"

I didn't know what to say so I nodded and he gave that effortless crooked smile.

"Louis has officially joined One Direction" The leader stepped in and I wanted to thank him.

"Pleased ta have you on the team, I'm sure you'll be a great contribution. Have you told Liam yet?"


Niall laughed which made me nervous but I tried to keep a straight face.

"Good luck, you'll need it" Niall added to his spontaneous fit of giggles.

The leader just nodded and dragged me out of the room again. I had forgotten we were holding hands.

We snuck further down the hall, stopping at a closed red door. He knocked and I didn't have time to comprehend the Irish psychologist Niall before I was confronted with more characters.

"What have I told you before about the door being closed?"

A woman answered this time, keeping the door as closed as she could. She had a black, silken dressing gown covering her pale figure. Her blonde, wavy hair flowed over her breasts and highlighted her guinea pig face. Her lipstick had been ruined and smudged around her lips. It became apparent to me that gown was her only means of covering up and she probably wasn't alone in there.

"Maria Scarlett, aged thirty seven as of December last year. Maria went travelling to Russia after graduating art college. In the sovereign she was kidnapped and sold into sex slavery against her will. A couple of months into the torture which almost killed her, Maria was sent to have sex with the slaver's closest associate. After the deal was done Maria was about to fall asleep when she found herself eavesdropping into a phone call where the associate talked about killing the slaver. Maria told the slaver at once and saved his life" He explained and Maria yawned, "Impressed with her loyalty, as others would have just let him die and then run away, he pulled her out of the trade and gave her the chance to work for him as a spy. They formed a bond but unfortunately years later the slaver had died and there was nothing left for her in Russia. Maria fled to America, finding herself the richest spy in Europe and America after the slaver left a million dollars for her in his will. Maria continued her spy work in America under a new boss who was close to the slaver until she met Tara"

Maria rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. She raised her eyebrows, waiting for the rest of it. The leader smiled and pushed the door completely open.

Exposed was another woman, no, a girl. She lied down on a mattress on the floor of the room, the blankets brought up over her bust to cover her naked body. She was frowning with lipstick that wasn't hers all over her lips. Her ginger fringe was falling into her dark brown eyes and long eyelashes. She was beautiful but that might've been her youth.

"Tara Scarlett, aged nineteen as of January this year. Her parents forced her to drop out of high-school in year ten, she would've graduated last year if she had stayed. Her parents since the age of six had been training her to be the perfect assassin and follow their footsteps. The training involved moving their family from Australia to America at that age. Her parents decided that her schooling was getting in the way of her training and pulled her out. You see, her parents would never have been interested in having Tara take on the morbid family business if it wasn't for Daddy. They had been working in close regards with the mafia. Daddy probably never mentioned it as it was a scam. Her parents were killed after Daddy suggested their darling girl becomes a solider rather than the perfect assassin he tricked them into thinking he needed for a single event. She was going to be paid wealthily and then move on. So they protested saying she would not be wasted on something so undermining. They wouldn't have her working for him. Tara, at the age of fifteen watched her parents die by his hand. Luckily, Maria had been undercover as a mafia agent and decided to ensure Tara escaped before Daddy forced her into working for him, since she would have nothing left. Maria had ruined her own spy work to save this girl and couldn't bare to leave her once the job was done"

"You forgot the part where we fell in love and got married" Tara interrupted.

"I was getting around to that" He grumbled.

I gaped, looking between the two. Was she being serious? The ages seemed so... So extreme.

"Tara lived with Maria for a while but they both craved to put their talents to use. They decided to start training each-other. Maria gained assassination assets and Tara took on some spy tricks. Still they felt useless. Tara had burst out into tears on her sixteenth birthday, her depression had consumed her. Maria consoled her all through the night and when dawn arrived they kissed. They kissed and they didn't stop kissing. So they became Maria and Tara, the deadliest most scandalous lesbians known to man" He joked and Maria finally cracked a smile. "Eventually Maria got work going undercover at the White-House. Amongst her scrounging she found files on One Direction. The One Direction who fought for justice and accepted anyone and everyone and protected and loved each-other. The One Direction who despised the same mafia who killed Tara's parents and the same President who does nothing about sex slavery"

"So they found you"

I was the one interrupting now.

"We did. It took years but we did. I didn't think they were real but Maria assured me. She said that we'd find them and we'd get married and we'd be happy. I can remember it, all the hitching-hiking and backpacking but we're here now. We're here and we got married as soon as we could. As much as I wouldn't take any of it back I still don't like patronising with the nephew of the man who killed my parents, especially when it's cutting into my sexy time with my wife. Maria, shut the door"

"Tara" The leader objected and stopped Maria from slamming it in our face.

Tara sat up slightly, the grimace on her face cutting right into my soul. She made me feel like a monster yet I knew her parents' deaths weren't my fault at all. I had no idea Daddy would do such a thing at the smallest disagreement just to get his own way.

"He's part of One Direction now. He's here for redemption just like the rest of us when we first joined. We have to forgive and we have to forget and we have to move on. His bagman skills will prove as worthy as your's and Maria's spy and assassination techniques. So please..." He begged as if I wasn't even in the room.

"Welcome, Louis" Maria smiled, "Consider it from the both of us"

Then she shut the door.

I turned to him and he rubbed his forehead, avoiding eye contact.

"It's okay, I understand" I said to relieve his stress and I squeezed his hand which was still clasped onto mine.

I finally got his eyes to fall on mine. I hoped for a smile but I only received a nod. I'd have to settle.

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