Chapter 20

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I passed both exams. I was now a qualified surgeon, not legally but in One Direction at least. The exam however was a legal document and could be submitted and I could start official training to be a doctor at a teaching hospital, become a surgical intern. That was if I wanted to leave One Direction, considering I was still on trial here. I hadn't made my mind up yet.

A week later and it was my last night being in Nicholas' care. He didn't drag me out to a secret bonfire and confess his love to me or anything like that. Instead he decided for dinner that night to cook a range of my favourite vegetarian dishes to celebrate the time we had and my pass.

Harry was there. It was the first time I had seen him since the incident. He had resumed his position at the head of the table which was usually empty upon his constant absence. He didn't look at me, not once, just like last time. It made me lose my appetite. I slowly picked at my meal whilst Liam whooped it down beside me.

Liam didn't see anything wrong with me as I leant on my hand and just prodded the salad with my fork like it'd poison me. He just carried on, chatting away, nudging me to make sure I was listening to his conversation. I just would nod or 'mmhmm' even when I wasn't paying attention

I kept making glances up to Harry, thinking maybe this time I'd be greeted with those meadow orbs which would project a hidden smile. Yet he was too busy talking to Maria the whole time, only pausing the conversation to take bites of his lasagne. At least he could swallow his meal, he couldn't swallow our predicament. He couldn't swallow me.

No, I changed my mind. I wasn't going to let him do that. He wasn't allowed to swallow me. I wasn't going to let him engulf me like that. I didn't want to be the boy who wallows over somebody who couldn't bother to look at them or kiss them again. I had to suppress my lust and move on. I was going to be the best goddamn member of One Direction with or without him.

I quickly finished my meal in a couple of hungry mouthfuls and Liam looked at me stunned.

"Are you okay?"

Now he asked. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"I'm more than okay, I'm fantastic" I exaggerated, still staring straight ahead at Harry.

I was just going to keep staring until he felt it and had to look at me. I was so determined. I was going to take back my dominance.

Unfortunately Nicholas interrupted my goal.

"In honour of our newest member acing his exams by ninety five percent and being our second doctor on the team now, I couldn't let his actions go unrewarded" Nicholas announced and they all started clapping, other than Harry and the couple "The reason you are still seated even after Fetch cleared your dishes is because I made dessert"

Everyone gasped. I wasn't sure why. This was new to me, I hadn't had dessert here once in the months I've been settled. I hadn't had something sweet rest upon my tongue since before the demise of my mafia days... Well other than Harry.

Fetch began to bring out the chocolate creme-brûlée's and placed them on the table in front of each of us. Before they could even finish their job, Tara had a fit.

"This bullshit! Complete and utter bullshit" Tara stood up and screeched and I was stunned. "We don't get dessert for our birthdays or anniversaries but he gets it for a test?!"

"Tara..." Maria whispered, tugging on her hand to sit back down.

Tara ignored her, tears lining in her young eyes.

"I can't take this anymore. He doesn't deserve this special treatment. I see him everyday and it only reminds me of all I lost. Now he's parading around like he's everybody's friend, like he's everybody's favourite. He's hurting people, he's stealing pieces of us, can nobody else see it?! Not only is he bringing up my tragic past, he's taken Liam from Niall completely. Don't you remember when they were inseparable?! They used to sit together and stay up late at night to talk and go hiking and go on games together. Now Liam is off with Louis whilst Niall lays awake at night wishing things were different with tears in his eyes" Tara exclaimed, the tears travelling down her reddened face.

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