Chapter 34

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Surly is a funny word. You add one letter and it holds a completely different meaning. It can go from a word you speak with a ruined tongue and gritted teeth to something you say either in a playful sarcastic manner or surprising manner. Surly was one of my favourite words, it rolls of the tongue and plucks your vocal chords like a harp. I'd like to hear Harry say it but unfortunately he's too busy living it after the fight we had. Surely he could stop being surly. Ah, that's what I was waiting for.

Things were just settling down after the Game although we were all still riding out our highs. Everything was falling back into normal routine and it'd stay that way until the next Game.  People were washing clothes in the lake, people were bathing other people, Liam was hunting and collecting food for us, Tara crawled back into her shed everyday or into bed with Maria, Nicholas would stay on his laptop all day until he had to prepare us dinner, Fetch played their video games and Sarah did whatever Sarah usually did, I wasn't sure. Niall and I hung out a lot as everybody else was busy, we'd watch movies or just talk and it was nice. Harry went away a lot but came back every night and slept in my bed. We never did anything, we just slept with his arms around my body like I was his favourite teddy bear.

It was nice. Was.

I checked the bathing roster to see who I was washing that day and I found something that made me smirk. I was washing Harry. Harry was always the washer not the washee. Whenever it was his turn to take a nice steamy bath, he washed himself and got it over with. Nobody was allowed to see him until he was out and squeaky clean. So I grinned so wide when I read the schedule. He put me on there for a reason and I prayed to God that I would get laid.

I waited for him at the bathroom door. I leant against it with my arms crossed and my foot propped against the wood. I was so excited, I had to stop myself from drooling. When he stumbled down that corridor with those tiger eyes, I almost tripped on the air. I walked a couple of steps to meet him.

"Not here" He shook his head.

Did he know my fantasies? Is that what he was referring to? Did he just want a bath and no bubbles on the side?

"In the lake" Harry added and he bobbed his head toward the rumpus room. "I want you to wash me in the lake"

I nodded, although it was a bit strange to me considering we washed our clothes there.

I followed him into the rumpus room and out the large glass doors. We trod on the fresh crop of green grass and wandered into the forest. I marched behind his back, further and further into the forest where the birds stopped singing and the flowers stopped growing. Eventually we hit the small clearing that sat at the bank of the small river with its large stones and mossy underlings and damp grass.

He moved out further, kicking off his shoes to feel the soil sludge between his toes. I licked my lips as he tore his shirt off and the sun bounced off his back as if it was embedded with diamonds. I watched his glittery exposed chest as he continued to undress. He dropped his pants and I tried to remain breathing when he took the fabric of his boxers between two slim fingers and slowly began pulling them down his lanky legs.

I watched Harry, naked in a meadow as he strode toward the lake and slowly emerged himself in the glimmering, cool water.  When the water was up this chest, he ducked under the surface to dampen his hair. He turned around to face me, wiping his wet hair from his face and smiling at me. He beckoned for me to join him and I was certain I was getting laid today.

I hastily tore off my clothes, my caramel skin bathing in sunlight and Harry's observations.  I made my way to the lake and I couldn't stop smiling. I put a foot in, the water so cold but refreshing.  I continued until I got to Harry's depth and he grabbed my hips from below and pulled me into his body. I chuckled as my legs wrapped around waist and my arms flung around his heavenly neck. I pushed our lips together and rested my forehead against his, water dripping into our eyes.

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