Chapter 40

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I was writing in my journal when Liam came in. He was breathless, wide-eyed, he spat as he spoke and he trembled. He looked god awful and it scared me to think what could've happened to make him like this.

He had just slammed open my bedroom door and stormed in, I swore he was going to cry when I stared at him.

"Something's happened" Liam screeched.

I swiftly got up in a matter of seconds, my heart was thudding so loud it wouldn't have been long before it came out of my chest.

"Is Harry okay?" I hastily asked, he was the first person I thought about, he was the only person I thought about.

He didn't respond but began running out of my room and down the hall, I had to chase him. I almost tripped over my feet a few times before he stopped and I had to stop before I crashed into him. He put his hand on the knob of the door in front of us. It was the dining room and I knew Harry had gone in there just earlier. I wanted sob, I was so scared. I hated being scared.

"Louis..." Liam mumbled as he opened the door, "Surprise!"

There was a roar that repeated Liam's exclamation from inside the dining room and I jumped out of my skin. I looked around, the rest of the group were siting down at the dining table with Harry at the head of it. They were all raising champagne glasses in a celebratory manner. The table was displayed nicely, golden lined table cloth, brightly lit candles, bundles of flowers in vases at each end and there was china plates and utensils in front of each chair. They were going all out and it took me a minute to realise they were doing it for me.

I smiled, trying to calm down from the shock. Liam pulled me in for a hug, laughing at my reaction to the surprise dinner.

"You did it, man" Liam said as he pulled back.

"Did what?"

"Louis, I got a call from Nicola" Harry added, putting down his glass, "After she showed your physical and mental health tests and background check to the President, he didn't hesitate to make sure you got the position. So she called me and I thought we could do something nice to celebrate. You start next week"

I cracked a grin, so it was all going to pan out the way Harry wanted it to. I had genuinely impressed the President.

"Dinner will be ready in a minute, if you'd excuse Fetch and I we'll go dish it out" Nicholas informed.

I nodded and they left the room to prepare my special dinner. Liam guided me to our seats and I was slightly annoyed I was at the opposite end of Harry. The advantage was I was directly in his line of vision and we could gaze at each-other all we wanted. The horribly romantic thoughts I had were sickening but this was who I was now. I couldn't help it.

"So, how was it?"

"What did you say?"

"Did you stick to the script?"

"Did you remember the part about the dog? Did he laugh?"

I was being bombarded with questions that I wasn't quite sure how to answer.

"I talked to him about One Direction and the mafia" I honestly replied. "I forgot about the dog entirely"

They all started laughing and I did too. I guess they thought I was joking, might as well keep it that way.

Nicholas and Fetch arrived with our food on a trolley. They started plating people up, a bountiful display of vegetarian meals. We went through entrees, main meals and even desert. My favourite was the vegan stir fry. I couldn't believe I was being rewarded for this.

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