Chapter 13

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Democracy. One Direction appeared to be a democracy, a concept the mafia could never grasp. Well they liked to think they were a democracy but the curly-haired, green-eyed frat boy appeared to be making the shots. He was like Daddy, a man he loathed so much until he managed to slaughter him but he couldn't slaughter the part of Daddy that rested inside himself.

I turned on the tap of the bath that sat lonesome in the middle of the room. It had been a long and rough day and I felt so filthy. They didn't have showers, just one bath. A bath in a room with no other furniture just an open window to look out on the greenery and reflect.

They really liked getting in touch with nature. There was something about being naked and exposed with such a wilderness view that made you feel connected with the Earth. No wonder they liked it.

I turned off the tap and slowly eased myself into the tub. I heaved a sigh, my speckled eyes following the sound of birds outside.

I was here because of a kiss. If Daddy was here right now as a ghost haunting me for failing him... If he was hoping I was infiltrating their team, their system, their trust in order to avenge him... He'd be disappointed. I was here because that man kissed me and I liked it and I'd hate myself every day because of it. Why was I such a hopeless romantic? I hated love but I was one of its biggest victims.

There was a knock on the peeling-painted bathroom door . It creaked open without waiting for me to reply. I was relieved to see the man who kissed me. Funny that, I was more comfortable with the murderer seeing me naked than anybody else I had met today.

"Can I come in?" He asked, only his head peeping in.

"If you must"

He wasted no time entering, shutting the door behind him and clambering to the side of the bathtub. He held soap and a loofa and a smile.

"We wash each-other here... It breaks down the walls of discomfort and builds ones of trust and friendship. It might be uncomfortable at first but it's rewarding. You truly get to know a person when washing them and that's what we're trying to achieve. We need to be able to know each-other so we can work with each-other"

"Will I have to wash anyone?"

"Not for the first week, I'll roster you for next Monday. Okay?"


"May I?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

I nodded and he got onto his knees. He pulled up the sleeves of his buttoned shirt up to his elbows and tied his long hair back.

"Is the water warm?"

"You could say it's lukewarm" I shrugged. "Is your name Luke?"

"What makes you think that?" He frowned.

He dunked the loofa into the water and rubbed the soap against it. He began to scrub my arm with it and I tried to keep a straight face.

"I don't think that, I was just wondering because I know everybody in this cabin's name but yours" I coolly mentioned as he washed off my soapy arm. "I was just trying to figure out what it was"

"It's Harry, Harry Styles" He grinned.

"Do I get your back story too?" I enquired with a smile.

"Not today" He cockily objected, scrubbing my chest.

"Why not?"

"Because you haven't been playing this game for very long and to unlock the tragic backstory you need to be at least a level eight" Harry joked, "You're not even level two"

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