Chapter 8

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I had frozen. The smell of vinegar attacking my nostrils again. My breathing was sharp, short. My eyes began to water.

How did he know? How the fuck did he know?

There was only one answer but I couldn't bring myself to spit it out. Bile found its way to my throat but I forced it back down. I was a mess.

I had to get to Daddy, I had to alert him before it was too late. I began shuffling through the crowd in a hurry, barging past the disguised faces with no remorse. I couldn't see him. A weight fell heavy on my chest and I wanted to fall to the floor. I didn't give up, no matter how out of breath I was, my frantic state was not being put to rest.

A hand gripped me and I tried to struggle free. When their grip was too tight to escape, I turned to see who was restraining me. The waiter from earlier with the Irish accent, his mask crooked now as he clenched hard.

"Sir, no running"

"I have to find somebody, I have to tell them..."

"An announcement is about to take place, I'll ask you now to stand still and wait to find your friend later on" He insisted.

I swallowed, trying to recollect myself. I hoped so much that he was safe, that he was okay. The waiter released me and faded into the crowd. I wanted to start bolting again but I knew I'd be going in circles if I even tried, he was no where in sight.

Suddenly there was a screech of a faulty microphone and a boomed apology for the horrid noise. Everybody turned to face the stage that sat beneath the twisted stairs of the hall. Feet perched on the floorboards I turned to see who was making the announcement. It was him, the curly-haired man who knew so much.

"My apologies again but this time for the abrupt disruption of your fine evening"

The music had stopped and not another sound was echoed except for him. He had everybody's attention, even The President's.

"I must turn your attention away from the charity of the night for just a couple of minutes as I wish to shed light on another subject worth dabbling about" He explained, his mask still tauntingly sitting over his face. "Although I wish not to take your donations for this cause but your acknowledgement and thirst for justice"

My palms were sweaty, what was he blabbering on about? What was he leading up to? I felt so faint.

"Don't gawk or squabble, this speech is perfectly legitimate. I booked to have my say on this stage tonight in front of our very own President" He beamed at the powerful man in the very front row who's security guard had gone missing.

The President did not smile back, he frowned in confusion. He had no idea who this man was or why he was making a statement at his benefit but he was too intrigued to stop it now.

"Don't let my English accent put you off, I've spent most of my life here in the United States now. While I was here I learnt a few things. One being just how corrupt this system is, in every single way. It's time you all step up to the plate and take action. It's time you stop turning a blind eye and learn the truth about your own politics. It's time you all learn the truth about your own country" He exclaimed, his tongue curling up as he spoke as if he had tasted something sour.

Suddenly the waiter from earlier and another bloke were hauling something up to the stage. Not something, someone. They weren't delicate at all as they dragged this person up the small steps with their knees scraping along the floor. The two men threw the person at the curly one's feet who looked giddy. The person at his feet was handcuffed, hands harshly secured behind their back. Not only did their hands not have freedom but over their head was a black bag to disguise them and block their view.

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