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"Morning, love" a sweet raspy voice greeted as AB tossed and turned in the bed.

"Hey..." AB responded still sleepy. He rolled over and covered himself with the blanket and closed his eyes in an attempt to get a few more minutes of sleep. Just as the boy was about to drift off to a peaceful sleep, he felt a warmth spreading across his entire body as Virat wrapped himself around the older one, his hands enveloping AB in a morning hug. The sound of sheets ruffling echoed through the room as Virat moved closer to AB's ears and moved the blanket covering his face.

"We got to go, baby. The practice is at 7:00 and it's already 6:30. Come on sweetheart, wake up.. It's an important match you know that right?"

"Mmmm" was all AB responded. Virat sighed and left the bed to take a quick shower. After 10 minutes Virat stepped out of the bathroom and was met by his boyfriend. AB's hair was a mess and he looked tired and exhausted but nevertheless he still adorned his beautiful smile that always made Virat's heart flutter.

"Morning, love" 

"Good morning, Virat Prem Kohli" AB replied back. Virat has no idea why but every time AB  calls him by his full name it somehow drives him crazy by how sweet his own name sounds in his man's voice.   

Virat pulled AB into a tight embrace with his arms wrapped around his waist .Virat's light cologne felt so comforting to AB, who's sensitive to strong fragrance. In the beginning before they met Virat loved wearing perfumes that were pretty strong in smell but as they crossed paths and when Virat learnt about AB's sensitivity he showed up to their next date in a very soft and mild lavender perfume that AB once mentioned he loves. 

"It's match day..." muttered AB.

"And an important one too." 

"I'm a little too lazy today."

"If that's so...you go well today and..." Virat paused mid sentence, a playful smirk forming on his lips. A million thoughts raised up on his mind and all he could think of is AB and himself on their bed, cuddling and kissing like madmen, hands roaming over each other hungrily, AB screaming his name louder and louder with every second passing, him doing things to his boyfriend. All his unholy thoughts were interrupted by a small voice.

"And?" AB questioned unaware of the things his boyfriend was imagining.

"I'll show how much I love you" Virat said in a sickeningly sweet tone.


It would be an understatement to say that AB was excited. He pulled back from the hug and placed a kiss on Virat's lips and in a voice only AB could hear, Virat whispered "I hope we'll have a long night today, baby boy."

"I'll make sure we do" AB beamed eagerly and connected his lips with Virat's. They kissed as though they are the only ones in the entire world, as though it is just them in their own little world. It was a tender and romantic kiss but there was a hint of  spiciness that almost turned them on. 

"We must go now the team meeting is in 10 minutes and we got to leave to the stadium after" Virat said pulling away from the kiss but hands still wrapped tight around AB's waist occasionally slipping a little lower. 

"Take a nice little shower and join us quickly. Ok, B?" Virat continued. AB nodded and with that Virat picked up his things and left the room to join his teammates in the team room. 

A/N: The match is going to be RCB vs GL 14 May 2016!

The Gujarat Lions team captain Brendon McCullum, a very good friend of both AB and Virat, won the toss and decided to field first. Chris Gayle and Virat Kohli, the powerful opening pair stepped into the field with much enthusiasm. The stadium roared with loud cheers as the match begin. But to RCB it definitely was not the start they had expected to have as Chris Gayle was bowled out by Dhawal Kulkarni just as the fourth over was about to end. 

It was now AB's turn to take up the bat and take his team forward. AB was already geared up and was waiting for his turn in case a wicket fell. He stepped into the field and there went the crowd with the loudest of cheers echoing their support for the batsman. But what excited AB the most was not the crowd or his favorite ground they were playing that night but it was that one person standing at the other end. It wasn't that he did not enjoy the crowd or the stadium but just that the words his man whispered to him that morning elated him and it was all he could think of as he walked towards his captain.

In AB's eyes Virat was a sight to behold. His hazel brown eyes were well complimented by his long eyelashes under the bright lights that lit up the Chinnaswamy Stadium. At that moment all AB wanted to do was to throw himself on his boyfriend and snuggle up to him like a koala. All he wanted to do was to scream his boyfriend's name till his throat hurt, to just have him close. But for that he got to wait. He has told Virat that he would make the night a memorable one.

"The pitch doesn't look that bad to bat on and we can definitely stich up a partnership to take the game forward." Virat spoke out hurriedly and AB just nodded his head in response.

"Go well, my boy. Put up a show!" Virat said cheekily as he walked off to his end.

AB was in beast mode and the opponent bowlers were confused as of what technique they should follow in order to pick up their much needed wicket. But luck seemed to be in RCB's side that day as AB smashed a quick 50 with the balls rolling off to the boundaries and some even over the stadium's roof. Virat was starting slow but he did stand as a support for AB.

Soon enough AB hit the hundred mark by taking a single. The crowd erupted into a frenzy as AB de Villiers slammed his century, displaying his trademark elegance and power. His innings was a masterclass in batting, leaving the opposition in awe. The atmosphere at the stadium was electric as fans cheered louder and louder. 

Not long after AB's brilliant century, Virat took the center stage. With unwavering determination, Kohli unleashed his full array of strokes, dominating the opposition bowling attack. 

They put up a massive total on the board and took up a commanding position in the match. And to no one's surprise RCB won the match with ease. 

"I told you" AB muttered to Virat as they shared a light hug on the field. 

"You deserve to be rewarded don't you?" and that was it. AB turned red almost a little too quickly. Blood rushed to his cheeks and ears making it obvious for anyone to know that he's flustered. "I'll see you later, love" Virat whispered in his low and deep making sure on one else could hear them.

"And you better brace yourself, sweetheart" he said finally before walking away from his boyfriend to meet up with his ICT teammates who were playing for GL. 

A/N: Let me know your opinion! Should I continue? 

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