I Hate you...but no...wait! -3🔞

539 26 13

A/N: @Gunjan__1309 This is it! Thank you so much for making me write this!

The final chapter of this shot. I totally love this chapter and this one is absolutely close to my heart. I loved writing every bit of it. I hope you people enjoy it too. 

And guys I would really appreciate inline comments as well...so please show some love!

Thank you so much for 5k views 

Hoping for at least 10 comments and 20 votes...🤞🏻

And the chapter is almost 5000 words( might be a 20 minute read)...but I hope you guys will read it fully...🥲

The smut part might be disappointing...I wrote the entire chapter only today...and honestly my smut writing is really bad😅....So please bear with it....

Happy reading!!!

5 months. It's been 5 really long months since they last met and 5 months since they last spoke. Every now and then they would want to text each other and talk for hours. But what was missing was the courage to do it. To take a step forward, to try and connect more, to let out the emotions through words. 

AB is currently in New Zealand for a series and Virat is in India playing in the series against Australia. One evening after a practice session, AB sat in the ground along with his teammates while scrolling through social media, a headline caught his eye. The words were like a punch to the gut: "Virat Kohli Rumored to Be Dating THIS Indian Model." His heart sank. The image of Virat with the model, smiling and seemingly at ease, was like salt on an open wound.

AB felt a mix of emotions—hurt, jealousy, and a deep sadness. The rumor struck him harder than he expected. He could do nothing but try to ignore it. He had no right to feel this way after all. Virat is his friend, a very good friend. He must be happy for him. But this feel...his heart couldn't take it. 

 He quickly closed the web and opened Virat's chat to send his a text. 

'Hey Virat...how's it going?' But no. His mind deviated making him erase the text. 'Who am I to question his relationship?' AB thought, his heart weighing with emotions. 

 To distract himself from the bothersome thoughts, he moved onto to Youtube hoping to watch some fun videos. But there it was....'Virat, Virat, Virat....what is this?' Not the app's fault obviously. He's been watching a ton of Virat related videos in the past few months. AB was about to close the app but then decided to watch an inning highlight from the ongoing Ind Vs Aus series. 

The match was interesting as he enjoyed watching Virat play. He couldn't help but laugh when the video focused on Virat having a fine exchange with the Australian players. The antic that he once hated, has now become one of his favorite moments to watch. He loved Virat's passion and his serious face when sledging others. He was totally lost in his own world, unaware of a photographer capturing him on the field.

Moments passed and they finally got up to reach the hotel. AB relaxed himself with a hot shower and got ready for bed. For some reason he was obsessed with watching Virat play, he spent much of his time on Youtube watching plenty of videos. He managed to get himself to sleep after reading a few pages of a book only to be waken up again by a series of notifications on his mobile.

Virat :  Oye! How you doing?

Virat: All good?

Virat: It's been really long since we last spoke...

A million times yes🤍Where stories live. Discover now