I Hate you...but no...wait! -2

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A/N : Please read part-1 before continuing! 

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Virat was feeling kind of sick, not physically but emotionally. He has just returned to his room after excusing himself from AB with a dumb reason. The word 'baby' echoed in his head again and again. 

"Why does it even matter to me?! Of course he's got someone" Virat screamed to himself while slumping onto the bed. Nothing seemed right to him...'Why is AB calling someone by a sweet nickname bothering me too much? Why did I feel sad on seeing AB speak delightedly with someone else? Why did I abruptly run away from the place while saying I've got to watch a series? Just why?'  Virat was feeling something he has never felt before. 

On one side he was happy that AB is slowly understanding his nature off the field and also because they have made it clear that their impressions on each other have now changed, while on the other hand he was struggling to contemplate his own thoughts. 

Virat laid on the bed, his face buried onto a pillow, as he kept thinking of the conversation they had. He was embarrassed, sad and confused but the reason- he just could not fathom. 'Should I talk to him about it?' 'No he already doesn't like talking to me' 'But wait...he did lau-'  Virat was just talking to himself at this point.

And perhaps to not make him look like an idiot, his phone rang. He hoped it was AB but then he did not want to talk to him now, that would be awkward. After seconds of contemplating , he flipped his phone to see the caller. Virat let out a sigh after seeing the caller's name. 'Ro'.

"Yes, Mr. Sharma?" Virat spoke, sounding annoyed.

"Hello dumbass! Did you just wake up or something?" Rohit asked sensing the annoyance in Virat's voice. He would have probably played back at Virat but still his low and unusual voice made him change his mind.

"It's literally 8:30 PM and you ask such a dumb question?" Virat said while rolling his eyes at his friend.

"Huh! My mistake, sir! Now tell me what happened?" 

Virat felt a sense of comfort in Rohit's concern and thus tried to talk it out to him. Perhaps someone would understand how he feels.

"It's about...you know...AB" Virat spoke slowly trying not to sound gloomy.

"AB? The one you were irritated about? The one who supposedly called you a brat?" Rohit asked, a hint of smile dancing in his lips. 

"Yeah him."

"What about him? You don't like him? He's annoying you huh? I mean no one could be more annoying than you honestly...so it can't be that. Or-" Rohit went on and on in one breathe. 

"Shut up Ro!" Virat stopped Rohit abruptly, not being able to handle his friend's non-stop questions. "I just spoke to him for over half an hour and-" 

Rohit cut off Virat, almost screaming at his phone. 

"YOU SPOKE FOR 30 MINUTES?" Rohit clasped his hands over his mouth with a dramatic shocked expression on his face.

"Mmmm" Virat said forcefully and then continued. "Now listen to me idiot..." he said and Rohit just nodded his head as if they were on a video call.

"I really thought bad of him...but now...he's like...really sweet...he looks so introverted but then....when you get to know him...he has his goofy side you know?" Virat spoke like a little kid. He could feel himself smiling like an idiot.

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