I'll stay.🔞

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A/N: I hope you like it Rmsexybrain7!! Let me know what you think...

I did add some smut...but not too much. 😬


The IPL vibes was starting to kick in as the Indian Cricket Team played their last match against Australia before they disperse to join their respective teams, that would be their home for the next three months. The buzzing airport atmosphere faded away as the team sat together forming a circle around Virat.

Their usual laughter and banters seemed to have been forgotten as the air was filled with palpable tension. "Virat, this is serious." Rahul Dravid spoke up, his tone utterly serious. 

Virat nodded slowly, "I know, bhai. But I'm going to play. I'll be safe." 

"Virat, it's a matter of life and death. You have to be careful, really really cautious." Rohit said, his hands steady on Virat's shoulders.

"Yes, bhaiya. Be safe, please." Shubman said, his voice laced with concern.

"We're just a call away. Call us anytime."

"We're here for you."

"I don't mind breaking into the hotel to protect you."

"We'll save you with our life."

The boys spoke one after the other, their words filled with sincerity and worry. Virat couldn't resist but feel overwhelmed hearing his boys, "Oh guys. Please. I'll be safe. I'll protect myself to keep you people happy at least."

Their conversations was forced to stop when their flight were announced. "Take care all of you" Virat said, embracing the boys in a group hug. 

They were dispersed into different flights, except for the MI and RCB players who would be taking their flight to Bangalore for the first match. Rohit, Virat, Hardik and Siraj sat together, already indulging in discussions of how to protect Virat.

"Arey yaar, stop na?" Virat sighed annoyingly, "You guys might even do a whole ass presentation now." 

Hardik nudged at him, "Good idea, bhaiya." He said, pulling out his phone from the pocket, "I'll text Ishan to prepare one. We'll do a google meet after reaching the hotel." 

"We might need some blueprints too." Rohit joined in.

"You---" Virat started, all kind of words threatening to fall but he stopped himself, "Enough. I promise I'll be safe."

Rohit shifted in his seat so that he was facing Hardik and Siraj, "Boys. How about we watch some movies to learn defense and maybe some fighting skills too?" 

Hardik nodded eagerly, his expressions still serious in contrast to the conversation was developing, "We should learn to dodge bullets too." 

"How about we purchase bullet-proof vests?" Siraj suggested, earning an approving nod from Rohit and Hardik.

"Huh then enroll me in a martial arts class too" Virat said, folding his arms across his chest, slowly shaking his head.

"Good idea, Miyan" Rohit said, pretending to think of other ideas.

Virat sighed, looking at Rohit in disbelief, "Arey panda!"

"What? You expect us to wrap you in a bubble wrap then?" Rohit mocked, hitting on Virat's arms.

"What sense does it make?" Virat asked, pulling his eye mask and leaning back against his seat.

Rohit let out a breathe, "That's great. Just shut up for some time we'll develop the plans." 

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