My Brat! -2🔞

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A/N: 10K reads! Did not expect at all...Thank you so much...I hope you all like my works 

20 minutes passed since Virat reached his room, he has been pacing around non-stop. His dick was throbbing in pain and the vibrator up his ass was a torture now.

Just as Virat was about to reach for his erection, to provide himself some kind of pleasure, the knock on door caught his attention. He ran towards the door and turned the knob. The second his eyes fell on AB, he dragged him in, locking the door behind them.

Virat's muscle strength was enough to pin AB to the wall, he took his lips in kiss forcing his tongue inside his boyfriend's mouth, dominating the act. "You're such a tease" He uttered, sucking a hickey on AB's neck.

His hands worked their way to remove his coat and unbutton his shirt. Virat sucked on AB's nipples, licking and teasing them making it red and puffy.


"Shut up!"

Virat was too focused on torturing his boyfriend's nipples while AB slid his hand between their bodies to cup on Virat's rock hard member. "Ah ha too hard, you might burst" AB uttered gently squeezing on it making Virat stop what he was doing.

"Ahhh B! There....God, yes" He moaned, his eyes rolling back as he lost himself in the pleasure. AB's grip tightened and elating a loud moan from Virat.

"Take off your shirt" AB instructed when his own hands yanked down Virat's pants leaving him standing in his boxers.

Virat almost ripped off his shirt with his fierceness, "Fuck fuck" He gripped on AB's shoulders when AB slid his hand inside Virat's boxers, cupping his skin barely.

"So wet" AB whispered into Virat's ears, rubbing off the pre cum from the tip. "How was the event tonight, baby?" He asked, moving his hands further to tease on Virat's entrance.

"I nee-need you" he moaned, rubbing himself against AB, his moans growing louder and louder.

"Looks like you enjoyed out there"

"You were a menace--ahhh mnghhhhh more"

AB moved his hands to Virat's ass cupping his soft firm muscle, kneading into it. AB smirked when Virat arched his back pushing himself into AB's hands.

"More, B....I want you....make me yours" Virat pleaded, his eyes welling up in need. AB only dug his fingers deeper, spreading apart Virat's cheeks.

"You need to beg, baby boy." AB uttered, pulling Virat closer rubbing their cocks together through the fabric.

Their moans filled the air as their bodies rubbed against each other. AB pulled down Virat's boxers to his thighs and spread his cheeks to get sight of the vibrator that was nestled inside his hole. AB gripped the edge of it and pulled it out only to slam it inside again.


"You were acting all bossy just now" AB said, thrusting the toy into Virat's insides slamming it hard and rough.

"AHHH---mnhggg..." Virat screamed digging his fingers deep into AB's shoulders as the toy hit his prostrate. 

"You like it?" AB questioned, licking a strip on Virat's neck before grabbing Virat's hair pulling him to make him look at him. "When you get fucked like this? In my arms?"

"Yes! But I ne-need yo--you mo-more" Virat stammered, his hands trembling as he pulled down AB's pants and boxers, leaving his erection sprung free.

Virat crashed their lips again in a passionate and messy kiss. "AHHHHHHH" Virat screamed in a way that everyone in the next room would have heard him when AB pushed the toy deeper inside hitting the right spot before removing it from his hole, leaving it clenching at nothing.

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