Crush on you.🔞

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A/N: I hope you like it DipayantiB! Let me know if you enjoyed it...

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"Yes boys!"

"Good job tonight!'


"We did it, guys. We did it!"

"Let's celebrate!"

"Oh yes!"

The mood in the RCB camp was nothing less than pure joy and vibrance. They have finally managed to win their first IPL trophy after 8 years of playing in the tournament. Virat, the ever enthusiastic captain, lead the way through the celebrations. 

The boys found themselves erupting in happiness as they danced, sang and chugged down a few shots of alcohol. Chris, Shane, Yuzi, Rahul and Virat showed off their dance moves as they shook a leg on the dance floor.

The usually quite guys, including AB, sat across the room watching their teammates light up the night. 

"Biscuit! Come on, you should dance too!" Virat called out for his friend, coming closer to drag him to the center of the room. 

AB sighed, used to Virat's antics by now, simply threw him a glare. 

Virat slumped down on the seat next to AB, "Fine. I'm not going too."

"You should. I loved watching you dance." AB said, breaking into a small chuckle.

Virat let out a breathe, his eyes fixed on AB, who was now indulged in his phone occasionally sipping on his wine. Virat has been feeling more and more close to his best friend with each year to a point were he was sure he has a crush on him, a crush like no other. It's been 5 years since they got together at RCB and since then the attraction has only gotten stronger.

"I wouldn't have it any other way you know. Winning it with you means everything." Virat spoke, his tone sincere and his eyes unwaveringly settled on AB. 

AB nodded slowly, his eyes welling up. He knows how much it means to Virat, to them. They have gone through ups and downs, they have faced heart-breaking defeats and have savored the joy of marvelous wins together. 

"I'm so happy we could do this for you, biscuit." AB said, ruffling through Virat's hair gently. It has become a habit of his, to run his fingers through his biscuit's hair. Virat loves it too, it always made him feel a little more special, more connected to his friend but perhaps it was only a friendly or brotherly gesture.

"AB, I want you to do something for me now." Virat said, his voice laced with mischief. 


"Come dance with me!" Virat exclaimed enthusiastically before dragging AB onto the dance floor. 

AB sighed but allowed himself to be pulled to the dance floor, where the rest of the team cheered upon seeing him. "Come on, AB!" Chris shouted. "Show us some moves!" 

AB smiled, trying to loosen up. Virat started dancing enthusiastically around him, encouraging him to join in. After a few moments of awkwardness, AB finally gave in and started moving to the rhythm.

"There you go!" Virat cheered, laughing as he danced alongside AB. He couldn't help but steal glances of AB every now and then, his heart bursting with love for the other man. 

After a good few minutes of grooving to the music, AB can't seem to ignore the buzzing of his phone non-stop. He moved away from the center and to a corner of the room. He smiled to himself as he pulled out his phone from the pocket, believing that it was his girlfriend texting him. 

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