Perfect Night. [short]

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A/N: I have some ideas that I want to random scenarios (short) rather than a full complete one-shot...and this is something like that.

Let me know if you guys like it... I'll write more if I get proper response on this one.🥰

Share your ideas and thoughts🤍

"B, can we go out?" Virat asked, his tone soft. Well he was bored being at home all day. They are Mumbai after all, they can't simply walk around when they wish to.

"Now? It's almost one at night, Vi." AB groaned, shifting in their bed, turning to face his boyfriend.

Virat sighed, gently waking AB up, "Please, biscuit. The weather is good. We can only go out now." He pleaded, hoping AB would give in.

"Alright." AB compiled, getting up to put on a jacket and grabbed one for Virat as well.

"Let's go." Virat said enthusiastically, holding AB's arms tightly as they walked out their door.

The cold air hit them and they loved every bit of it. It's not every day that they get to walk around like this, free and hand in hand. They strolled through the streets, their hearts and hands intervened as they spoke about nothing and everything.

"Mumbai is pretty at night." AB murmured, the lights reflecting on his ocean blue eyes.

Virat nodded, "Yes. So much better when it's with you." He said, his gaze shifting to AB.

"My boyfriend is so pretty." AB said, abruptly standing in the middle of the street, his eyes brimming up with love as he looked at the love of his life, gently brushing off of a strand from his boyfriend's forehead.

Virat smiled, tightening his grip on AB's hands as he leaned in, gently pressing a kiss on his lips.

The moment was beyond perfect, in the empty streets, under the dull moon light, surrounded by the cold air, their hearts synced and their eyes locked, it was nothing less than perfection. A moment that could freeze in their hearts forever, like a photograph never to be forgotten.

"I love you." AB said softly.

The sky rumbled as a thunder teared through the clouds, lighting up the world in a quick motion. "Perfect." Virat muttered, a small smirk on his lips as he pulled back from his boyfriend, their hands still intervened.

"It's gonna rain" AB murmured, looking up at the clouds filling up the night sky.

Virat nodded, slowly stretching out AB's hands. "Yep." He uttered and before AB could hear him properly, Virat started to run. He pulled AB along with him as they sprinted down the empty street. Their laughter filled the air as the rain began to fall.

"Oh, Vi." AB said, shaking his head when Virat stopped. "We're gonna be wet."

"Exactly, B." Virat agreed.

The rain intensified as it fell from the sky, hitting the ground, giving rise to the smell of sand and water mixing together. Virat happily danced in the rain, looking up at the sky as the rain hit his face gently.

"Baby." AB muttered, his heart swelling with love for the man in front of him. He moved closer to Virat, gently holding him by his waist.

"I love it!" Virat exclaimed, looking at AB through his water drenched lashes. He spread out his arms, taking in the moment as AB held him close.

"Me too, baby." AB murmured, the water running down his face. He leaned in, pressing a firm kiss on Virat's neck, tasting his skin and the rain.

They danced slowly, under the loving light of the moon that seemed to be rooting for their love. The breeze blew slow and cool as the rain fell beautifully. Virat's heart bloomed with love, as they danced and kissed amid the beauty of the world. The chaos faded away as AB held him tight, their love growing strong.

"I love you" They whispered to each other, finally moving under a shelter at the end of the street.

AB sighed, looking at his shivering boyfriend. "Oh baby." He laughed, taking off his jacket, gently covering it over Virat.

"Th-thank you" Virat murmured, rubbing his palms together, laying his head down on AB's shoulder.

"A perfect night." AB muttered, slowly rubbing Virat's back in soothing circles as the rain continued to pour.

"I actually checked the forecast before waking you up." Virat said, chuckling as AB gave him a glare. "I've been wanting to do this for so long." He said, looking at his boyfriend with his adorable eyes.

"You know what? I hate when you wake me up at night." AB said, his tone slightly serious. "But this is worth it all." He said, pressing a kiss on Virat's forehead.

"But it's colder than I expected." Virat said, his lips trembling as he spoke.

AB simply chuckled, rubbing Virat's lips with his thumb. "Let's wait for some more time."

Virat nodded, leaning against AB seeking his warmth. It was a night so perfect. A night of a different kind of intimacy, a night so slow and romantic, a night with each other that they would hold close for eternity.


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