Oye baby! -2🔞

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A/N: Smut warning🔞

He waited for a few minutes there before walking out so as to not cause a scene in case someone saw Virat walking from there just some time back. He entered into the dressing room and their coach informed of Virat being in the medical room getting his splitting stitched. He took his clothes and went inside the shower room.

The water ran down AB's face as his mind went back to Virat as a smile formed on his lips. AB knew he himself would have been a moaning mess had Virat been able to use his injured hand. But the smile soon disappeared as the incidents of the evening crossed his mind. He made a mental note to talk it out with him later. He soon turned off the shower and stepped out in fresh clothes. As soon as he stepped out of the shower room someone pulled him into the near room. And he was certain who that 'someone' was as he was being pulled.

"Hey.." AB said tenderly as he looked at Virat with a gentle soft smile.


"How many stiches?"



"So much...ease it out" Virat said it in a low voice with a very innocent look on his face that it made AB to hold him closer.


"It hurts so much...only you can ease it out..." Virat spoke a little louder and moved forward leaning his head on AB's shoulders and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"You'll never know how proud and happy I'm...you're just so good my baby. But you should also take care of yourselves that's what matters the most honestly" AB said slowly as he rubbed the back of Virat's head slightly ruffling his hair. Virat understood that AB was indeed trying to apologize though he couldn't really express himself much at that moment.


They stayed like that for some time before finally leaving to the hotel room. The bus travel was smooth. AB listened to some music as Virat slept on his shoulders. They had a small celebration in the hotel for their victory over KXIP.

"I'm tired...I'll just stay in your room tonight" Virat whined dramatically as he held onto AB's arms as they stood in the elevator moving up to the 13th floor.

"Tired? That's not the only reason, is it?" AB smirked knowing what exactly Virat had in his mind.

"Of course not my baby boy"

The door slammed shut and the sound of kissing echoed through the room. They have held back for long and now it was time to let their desires take over. Virat pushed AB against the wall and started placing rough kisses on his neck while undressing him. And within a few minutes AB's milky white skin appeared like a canvas covered with deep red lip imprints. AB was quick enough to take off Virat's shirt before he was carried into the bedroom.

"Fuck...you're freaking gorgeous" Virat said staring at the boy beneath him. "I'm gonna make you feel so good". He bent over kissing AB over and over almost pushing him into oblivion. They were a moaning mess by then. He moved down ever so slowly making sure his tongue touched every inch of his boyfriend. He stopped near AB's waist holding the edge of his pants as he looked at him for consent. AB nodded understandingly. But before he undressed AB he got up to take off his own clothes.

Virat could not stop himself as he took AB's member in his hands and played around with it while sucking on his thighs leaving behind purplish marks.


"Mmm?" His hands moving faster and faster.


And obviously Virat would do the exact opposite and removed his hands, abruptly moving off the bed.

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