They wouldn't know...

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RCB's dressing room was loud and chaotic after the massive win. The players were all excited and proud of how far they have come in the tournament. "Congrats" and "Well played" messages swirled all over the room. Chris Gayle and Virat shared their epic handshake, Yuzi was teasing Shane Watson and KL was talking, with much enthusiasm, to his favorite player. The 2016 team was nothing less of what one would call "home". The boys stuck together through highs and lows, and thick and thin. The noises finally begun to settle down as the captain called out for a brief team gathering.

"Well played boys! I'm so proud of each one of you. We displayed great passion and fierceness in the game and I really hope and believe that we'll carry forward the momentum. And special appreciation to today's Villiers! Awesome innings, my boy." Virat concluded as the others begun to applaud.

"Umm...thank you Vi-- skip..?" AB was unsure of how to respond given that Virat just called him "his boy" right in front of 30 other people, who probably have no idea of the relationship they share beyond the field. But to say that it did not light up a spark in him would be a lie. He loved it. He loved how Virat looked at him. He loved how sweet it sounded when he said "his boy". He loved how hot he looked as he addressed the team. And he almost fell in love with his boyfriend all over again as Virat winked at him as if he's expressing his happiness. 'Why so hot and cute?'  was all AB could think.


AB was mindlessly scrolling through his Instagram feed as he sat in his seat slightly leaning his head on the bus's window. The heat was messing with his body making him feel dehydrated and dizzy. He squirmed uncomfortably as his head hurt. He shut his eyes in an attempt to get some sleep. But it all went in vain as it only got worse. There were only a few of them in the bus and Virat wasn't one of them which frustrated him even more. At this point he was just craving his touch, his shoulder which he could lean on anytime, his arms that would hold him all night, his mere presence that would make him feel home. Just as AB's mind went berserk, Virat entered the bus and stood near were AB was sitting.

Under the radiant lights, their eyes met. One held concern and worry while the other almost looked pleadingly. 

"You OK, B? Anything wrong love?" 

"Just head ache" AB replied in a barely audible voice. "and a little much...and hurts...wanna sleep" he spoke in a breaking voice.

Virat sat next to him and a weight fell on his shoulders almost immediately. He lowered his eyes to see the boy laying his head on his shoulders, eyes closed, a few strands of hair sticking on his forehead and cheeks slightly puffy. The sight was indeed something to hold on to but for now Virat was laced with concern.

"Get some rest now. I'm right here baby" Virat cooed into AB's ears in an attempt to make him feel a little better. He could feel AB smiling and hiding his face deeper into the crook of his neck. Their teammates were not aware of their relationship but what they do know is the very close bond they share. It wouldn't be a little bit of surprise too if their mates had already been betting over their relationship. Their love was more than obvious in the way they look at each other. And not to mention the moments they celebrated each other's achievements as their own. There is indeed nothing much to hide at this point but they have mutually decided to wait for a few more months before they announce it to the world.

The bus reached the hotel and Virat gently shook AB to wake him up. 

"We're here B, wake up sweetheart..." Virat mumbled softly as he tapped AB's cheek slightly.

"Ummm" AB almost whined at being woken up from a nice little nap on the most comfortable shoulders ever.

"Hey boys! Freshen up and come back down to the team room we'll have a small champagne party to celebrate the win!" Virat almost jolted in surprise as a woman from RCB's executive team stopped them excitedly. 

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