Safe Haven -2

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A/N:  Part 2 of 'Safe Haven'! I somehow deviated so much this time...but I do like the way the ending turned out...not bad I guess? 

It's been a couple of days since that gloomy night. Virat found himself feeling slightly better with AB by his side. The past two days has been really great for him. He still came back to the room all tired and exhausted but his room wasn't dry and empty anymore. It was filled with love and warmth. He was welcomed by his boyfriend every night with open arms and AB even managed to cook some of Virat's favorite dishes. Virat loved every bit of his life with AB.

The management did get to know of AB's arrival on the second day and he made it clear to them that he's only there to support his boyfriend and that he's not there as a player. Faf was obviously a little mad that his friend did not bother informing him so AB had to sit down with him for an entire hour hearing Faf rant out. 

"Ok ok I'm sorry. Now stop. I'll let you know next for sure." AB said to Faf as they sat across each other at the restaurant. It is not like it was planned though, AB just happened to catch the earliest flight to join his boyfriend after hearing him talk like that the other day. He just could not stay back in South Africa any longer. He simply asked his manager to book his tickets and he wasn't even sure if he packed his clothes properly. He was just happy that he had his passport and visa. 

"Faf...I wanna ask you something..." AB said hesitantly. 

"Of course...something about Virat, no?" Faf was quick enough to get the reason behind the hesitation in AB's voice.

"'s he been lately? Like in the team meetings and all?" AB asked, his words laced with concern. He would probably not ask such questions to others, he would rather get it out of Virat himself but then he trusts Faf so much and Virat is close friends with him as well so Faf might just give him a different point of view.

Faf leaned back in his chair, his expression somber as he recalled recent team meetings. "Kind of off really. Not anything like the last couple of years. He's been a bit distant lately. Usually, Virat's the one leading the charge, rallying everyone together with his passion and energy. But lately, it's like he's lost that spark, you know? He's still giving it his all on the field, but off the field, something's just not right." 

"What's up with the management people though?" AB asked, his voice getting a little rough.

"About that...I'm not entirely sure. But I do know they've been having private talks with Virat."

"About what?"

"The title, what else? I know you'll get mad but then you got to know it for Virat's sake at least. They have been opening blaming Virat in almost every meeting we had till now. They had the fucking nerve to tell him how several 'experienced people' have failed to bring home the trophy. No one ever sees the efforts and dedication right? Bad luck really." He spoke roughly as his frustration fell through his tone.

"How did he respond to all that nonsense?" AB asked in a fragile voice. The words from Faf was breaking his heart as his mind went over to Virat thinking about how tough it must have been for him after giving his all to the franchise over the years. 

Faf sighed heavily before continuing, "You can see it's eating at him. I mean, anyone would feel crushed being blamed like that, especially when they've given their heart and soul to the team. But Virat, he's trying to stay strong, trying to keep his focus on the game. I think having you here has been helping, though. He's been a bit more himself since you arrived."

AB nodded, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within him. 

"But he did get mad once, when they told him to keep it to himself when he shared his opinions on the team selection. He's been distinct since then. Their words got the best of him if you ask me..." Faf continued as his eyes remained fixed on his friend's expression. AB is sensitive himself and he knows he wouldn't take it easy at all if someone's hurting Virat.

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