Truth or Dare?🔞

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A/N: Contains smut! Please skip if not comfortable...

"B....I'm bored!" 

Virat's loud and whiny voice shifted AB's attention from his book to his boyfriend as they sat leaning on the headboard of their bed. They have managed to get a month off from their hectic schedules so as to spend some time together. It's not always that they ask for a break but there are times when they had wanted to spend some quality time with each other. It's only few times an year they get to meet after all.

And this time Virat has stayed back in South Africa after reaching there for a series. Normally they would go out together enjoying bits of nature and doing some shopping. But today it was raining pretty hard that they decided to stay at their home in Johannesburg. 

"This book is really interesting" AB said as he closed his book showing off the front page to Virat who did not seem interested at all. "But you look more fascinating at the moment" AB's voice dropped and he spoke in a seductive tone all while leaning in to kiss Virat.

 "Ah huh? You trying to flirt or what?" Virat laughed as he laid back on the soft mattress as he grabbed his phone and unlocked it.

"Eww no" That was indeed a lie, very obvious from AB's expressions. AB lied down next to Virat after placing his book in the shelf. The moment was so quiet with AB leaned down on Virat's chest as his boyfriend showed him some books to buy from an online shopping website.

AB loves reading books and Virat loves to buy it for him. So them looking for good books have become a routine that they follow every once in 3 months. But for now Virat was bored. He was really really bored and wanted to do something exciting. However he could not comprehend on what  to do. 

Virat just kept scrolling through various websites finding nothing intriguing. He looked down at AB who was fast asleep.

"Who did not sleep well huh?" He said softly as he ruffled through his boyfriend's hair placing a wet kiss on his forehead. 

Virat went back to scrolling down his mobile. He was about to shut off his mobile and join his boyfriend for a short nap but then his eyes fell on something. Something that interested him. He looked through the product and went through the reviews before finally placing an order for a quick delivery. 

The day passed by quickly as they cooked together while singing along to some of their favorite songs. 


Virat woke up first the next day just like any other day. He cleaned their room a little and did some workouts while playing some soft music as he did not want to wake AB up. Once he completed his daily routine he moved to their bedroom and sat beside his sleeping boyfriend. 

"Hey cutie..." Virat tried waking him up but AB was sleeping so well. 

Virat was about to try waking up AB again but he stopped himself from doing so as he took his mobile and checked out some notifications.

"It will be delivered today.." He said silently, a playful smirk appearing on his lips.

He found himself stealing glances at the door every now and then, eagerly awaiting the delivery. Meanwhile, AB stirred awake, blinking his eyes open slowly.

"Mmm... morning," AB murmured, stretching his arms above his head. He squinted at Virat, noticing the mischievous glint in his eyes. "What's got you so excited?"

Virat chuckled, trying to contain his excitement. "Oh, I just ordered something'll be delivered today!" 

"What did you get this time?" AB asked looking at Virat with a confused expression on his face. Virat has got him so many books before, but this was the only time he had looked suspicious.

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