Who's? Yours. (Hardik-Shubman)

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A/N: A requested one shot by @MaheshwariSontakke...I hope you like it! 

It's a ship I haven't thought of before so I tried my best to write this one. 

Do VOTE and COMMENT if you enjoy it!

"Should we go try getting some time this weekend? I'm missing you so bad" Hardik said to Shubman in the call while rolling around on his bed.

"I miss you too...but-"

"But what?" 

"I'm hanging out with my team...we could go some other day" Shubman said casually, not being able to understand the tension Hardik was feeling on the other side.

"Oh ok!" He was no longer in a mood to talk. But still he held on the call waiting and hoping that his boyfriend would somehow change his mind.

'Shub it's time for practice we should go now!' A voice echoed at the back of the call. 

"Harry I got to go now! I'll see you later! Bye! I love you" And that was it, Shubman cut the call and carried on with his practice.

"Wow nice! Others have become so important huh? You'll learn your lesson baby boy" Hardik said to himself as he felt the emotions of thinking of his boyfriend with someone else.


MI vs GT, match day...

Hardik leaned against the wall as he waited for his boyfriend to come out of GT's team room. It's been 4 days since that last dreadful phone call. They did talk every night but Hardik was not feeling it at all. Somewhere in his heart, he knew that Shubman is captaining a team for the first time in his career and thus he has to spend some time with his teammates.

But still...he is his boyfriend, his love, his Shub. He would want him all for himself. And that's exactly what was in Hardik's mind.

After waiting for a good 5 minutes, Shubman walked out all smiling and giggling as he came out talking to Kane. 

"Hey baby" Shubman said cutely as he rushed towards Hardik and wrapped him in a tight hug. Shubman could say that his expression did soften on seeing him.

Kane did not want to interfere in their moments and thus took his leave silently. 

"How about we meet up after the match? I got to go prac-" Hardik clasped his hands over Shubman's mouth making him stop his talking. 

"Now before you say 'I got to go practice', listen to me. I'm going to practice as well. And yes, we are meeting up after the match. Here take it...Room 1023...be there before 12:15, my love." Hardik said in a seductive-serious-nerve-chilling tone as he handed over a room key and a card having the place's name to Shubman. 

He quickly placed a kiss on Shub's cheeks before walking away from there to his own Team room.


Shubman managed to ask his driver's help to take him to the said hotel. He reached the hotel around 12:09 AM and signed at the reception saying he was there to meet someone. He was dressed up in casual white T-shirt and skinny black jeans as he stood in the elevator moving to the 10th floor. 

"Ahh he must be mad" He groaned inwardly.

Shubman could feel the excitement and anticipation grow in him as the elevator stopped at the tenth floor. He walked quickly while talking out the key from his pocket. 

"Room 1023...this one it is" He murmured as he stood in front of the room and looked at his watch. 12:14 AM. 

As soon as Shubman unlocked the door, he was pulled in, rough and harsh. Two strong arms held him by his waist and he heard the door lock behind his back.

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