Safe Haven

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"Damn it! Why me?" Virat mumbled to himself as he entered into his hotel room from the stadium, roughly throwing off his backpack and removing his shoes. He slumped right onto the bed burying his face in the sheets as a hundred million dreadful thoughts flooded his mind. 

The past few days have been really hard for him given the situation of his team. They have lost 4 in 5 matches and Virat has given his absolute best to win it for the team but somehow they always ended up on the receiving side. The pressure from both the management and the viewers has been getting too much for him to bear. The insane number of interviews and ad shoots the management has been asking him to do was just frustrating at this point. 

"We did try..."

"Is this all on me?"

"Am I really the one at wrong here?" He spoke out to himself in an attempt to calm his nerves and free the thoughts from his mind but nothing just seemed to work. But then his phone rang and the screen brightened revealing the caller. 'B❤️'.

Virat's face lit up as he picked up his phone and connected the call.

"Hey" AB spoke softly knowing that his boyfriend would be going hard on himself. He hated being miles away from him but then that's the nature of their relationship, they got to be on their own for months before they somehow manage to free up their schedules finding some time to be together.

"Hello" Virat spoke as he pouted.

"Returned from the stadium huh?"


"Had dinner?" 


"Took a shower?"


 Virat replied in a low voice. AB had asked that question not just out of concern but also to get an idea of how Virat was actually feeling. And with his "mmms", AB could say that Virat wasn't feeling so great. 



"Wanna talk?" AB asked gently. He really hoped that he was by his side then. But then thanks to his back pain for ruling him out of the tournament and keeping him back in South Africa, just five thousand miles away from his boyfriend.

"I'm ok"  Virat said trying to hide the sadness and pain in his voice. He did not want to worry AB with something that he thinks is childish. 

"Vi? You ain't ok and we both know that-" AB was about to say more but then he was cut off.

"I hate it here" Now this was unexpected to AB. 

"Hate it?" AB asked slightly surprised.

"I mean...not the team...but it just feels different this time..." Virat paused unable to find the right words to put it out. 

"B, am I really undeserving?" And again AB was in utter shock. The words fell out from Virat clear and slow. It felt as if Virat was voicing out his insecurity. 

"NO! What are you talking about? Why such thoughts, love?" AB's voice did raise but he pushed it low and tried talking out slow.

"I don't know...maybe it's me who's the problem here" 

"Virat. You heard words that made you think this way right?" Virat remained silent and AB found his answer in it. 

"Who?" He asked sternly wanting Virat to open up to him. Ever since 2019 Virat has been having issues with the management boards and it hasn't gotten any better since then. He's indeed brave and bold to talk up for his own sake but there have been times where he would just take it all on him. The broken look on Virat's face after meetings with the board has been unbearable for AB in the past few years. 

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